Wednesday, February 11, 2009

O S E-News

Dear People of Our Savior,

Ahhh, Spring has returned to Vero Beach after several days of "winter" last week. But the "winter" weather didn't cool the wonderful events of last week, which many of us were able to enjoy.

Thursday night many Our Savior folks were among those who enjoyed a wonderful St. Olaf Choir Concert at the Community Church. Then Friday night many more Our Savior folks were among those who enjoyed a great evening at the Heritage Center downtown. This was a Beyond Borders/Florida event, which included a nice meal, music, and Tony Campolo, nationally known speaker and founder of Beyond Borders. Some wonderful ministry is happening in Haiti through Beyond Borders, as they help the people of that inpoverished country work to rebuild their lives and their country after 200 years of dictators.

Then, Sunday at noon, Pastor Paul Summer was our guest for Our Savior's first annual "Loaves and Fishes Community" luncheon, provided by the Endowment Team at Our Savior. A lot of real good information was shared, more of which you'll be hearing about as time goes on. But for now, here's one of the main questions which came out of that lunch. "Have you remembered the church in your will?" Many just don't think of that! But what a wonderful way to continue to be a part of God's work after you're gone. Something to think about.

Now here are a couple of highlights for this week:

On Tuesday at 6pm the Christ Care groups will gather together in the Fellowship Hall for their annual potluck dinner, to celebrate their ministry.

This week's Wednesday dinner will be provided by the Vero Beach High School S.A.D.D./D.A.R.E.
(Students Against Destructive Decisions and Drug Awareness Resistance Education). The meal time will be extended, begining at 5pm and lasting until 7pm. A staffed nursery will be available for the entire time. A basket will be available at the door for your gift to support this cause. The money raised will help fund the annual, very powerful, "Mock DUI" presentation held each year around prom time.

At 6:30pm on Wednesday, there will be a "New Member" gathering in room 4 for all interested in knowing more about Our Savior. All are welcome.

As this week unfolds, watch for opportunities to be a part of bringing hope and healing to our hurting world. This may take place with a family member or neighbor, or maybe even a stranger. But a kind word or a helping hand can go a long way toward reflecting God's grace which touches our lives everyday.

See you in church! Pastor Jack Diehl

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Dear People of Our Savior, There's no doubt we are in "the season". Each week when we send these "Our Savior E-news" e-mails out, I think of all the folks up north who are receiving them. This time however, many of you who read these "up north" are now down here with us, and it's good to have you back. There's almost a "family reunion" dimension to our Saturday and Sunday gatherings for worship and our Wednesday evening meals, with folks now back and getting caught up on each other's lives.

Since it is "the season" the calendar is also filled with all kinds of opportunities to be together. Let me here share those as the week unfolds:

Wednesday evening: Our mid week dinners continue to be a great success, with over 100 folks gathering each Wednesday for good food and conversation. This week's dinner is a modified "Potluck". A couple of main meat dishes will be provided, and if you can bring a dish to pass to add to that, it would be welcome. The official dinner starting time is 6pm, but often begins a bit before that. All are welcome. (A sneak peak ahead to next week, Feb. 11: the SADD and DARE kids from the Vero Beach High School will be providing a pasta dinner which will run from 5-7pm. Activities for kids will be available throughout that time.) But, back to this week. At 6:30 pm, anyone interested in becoming a member of Our Savior, or just in learning more about Our Savior is invited to join us in room 4 (one of the classrooms) until 7:30. This will be the first of 3 such Wednesday evening gatherings on Feb. 4, 11 and 18. New members will be received into the congregation on the weekend of Feb. 21-22.

On Thursday evening at 7:30pm the St. Olaf Choir will be in concert at the Community Church here in Vero. This is a premier choir from one of our ELCA colleges. Tickets are $30 each and available at the Community Church\

Friday, Feb. 6th, a Beyond Borders dinner with special music and a return of Tony Campolo will be held at the Heritage Center in downtown Vero. Tickets are available in the church office.

This coming weekend, Feb. 7-8 Free dinner! Pastor Paul Summer, ELCA Foundation Regional Gift Planner for the Florida-Bahamas Synod will be our guest at worship and at our first "Loaves and Fishes" dinner on Sunday Feb. 8 immediately following the 11am service. This lunch is a gift from the Endowment Fund and will be an opportunity to thank those who are remembering Our Savior in their wills, to share what the Endowment Fund does at Our Savior, and to help us discover new approaches to provide support for families and ministries of the church. This is an open invitation. Please plan to join us for this first of what we plan to be an annual dinner. Email or call the church office for a reservation.

Capping the week off will be an Ecumenical Choir Festival sponsored by the American Guild of Organists on Sunday Feb. 8 at 4:30pm at Trinity Episcopal Church. Nationally known choir director, Dr. Michael Burkhardt, will be the guest conductor. This approximately hour long program will consist of both old and new hymns interspersed with readings by clergy from various congregations throughout our community.

As this week unfolds:

1) May God bless all of these activities that will take place;

2) Even though winter has returned to Vero Beach, may the Light of Christ warm our days and our lives;

3) May the world be "infected" with God's goodness and grace, beginning with us.

God's work; our hands. + Pastor Jack Diehl

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Last February, Lent came so quickly that we almost missed the season of Epiphany. But this year, Ash Wednesday isn't until near the end of February, so we get to bask in the Light of Epiphany a little longer.

This is the season when in worship we walk through those days when Jesus revealed God's mercy and grace through his teaching, healing, and calling his disciples. But, this isn't just something we remember from way back then. God still makes himself known to us and calls us to follow as Christ is present among us in the Word, the Sacraments and the gatherings of God's people.

Along with worship there will be other gatherings of God's people this month:

  • A special lunch will be provided on Feb. 8 for all who have remembered Our Savior in their wills or might consider doing that. Pastor Paul Summer, the ELCA Foundation Regional Gift Planner for our synod will be our special guest that day.
  • For anyone who would like to know more about Our Savior and what it means to be a member of Our Savior, there will be three gatherings from 6:30- 7:30 PM following our mid week dinners. New members will be received into our congregation on Transfiguration Sunday,
    February 22.
  • The Lenten season begins Ash Wednesday, February 25, as we begin another part of our journey together, to the cross, and then to the open tomb.

As we walk these walks together, may we all continue to grow in God's grace that we may better let God's light shine on us, in us and through

God’s Work, Our Hands,

Pastor Jack Diehl