Monday, September 26, 2011

O.S.E-news: Special addition

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words.  For this special addition O.S.E-news, here are three pictures (at the end of this email) of our addition as it unfolds. 


But first, some important upcoming dates:                 


This coming Wednesday, Sept. 28:  Our mid-week dinners resume!  Chicken parmesian and pasta is the main course.  Dinner is served from 6pm til about 6:45.  Then at 6:30 three things happen:

 1) New Member information gathering in the sanctuary. 

2)  Beth Moore Bible Study in room 5 led by Kelly Elsebough. 

3) Youth Group in the Youth room.   


At 7pm, anyone interested in singing is invited to join the choir in the choir room for this first meeting of the season.  One of our deacons, Carole Olsen, Westminster trained organist and choir director for over 50 years will be leading.  All are welcome.


On Friday night at 7pm there will be a “Jam in the Sanctuary” for anyone who likes to sing, play an instrument (any kind) or just likes to listen to music.  This is an intergenerational event and always lots of fun!


On Sunday, Oct. 2 at 4pm our annual “Blessing of the Animals” will be held in the Fellowship Hall.  Dr Anna Diehl Harp (recent graduate of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Auburn University) will be the guest speaker.  Dr. Anna was born and raised in this congregation and will share how she shares her gift of love and care for God’s creatures in Veterinary Medicine.  She practices medicine at the Veterinary Center at Fishhawk near Brandon FL.


Looking ahead, on Sunday October 9 there will be a congregational meeting at 9:45am in the sanctuary.  An update on the building project will be presented as well as a proposal re: the final financing of this project.


Finally, the “season” has begun!  This past weekend we welcomed back a few of our winter residents.  Always a nice time of the year as we get re-connected.   May you all have a blessed week.   


God’s work; our hands.      Pastor Jack +   (See pictures below!) J











Monday, September 19, 2011

O.S.E-news: Sept. 19

In worship this past weekend, we were reminded of God’s generous mercy.  This is a mercy which is generous sometimes to the point of being troubling, as it was for Jonah.  That’s why Jonah resisted going to Ninevah to call them to repentance.  He’d rather they die in their state of being an immoral, ungodly city.  But he knew if they repented, God would have mercy on them, and He did! 


That’s what God is always about; bringing Life where there is Death, Light where there is Darkness, forgiveness and mercy where there is repentance, making things new.  And that is a life-long process.  We are all a work in progress.  That’s what the church is about, as we worship together, work together, serve together, play together, and learn together. 


Below is our ongoing and updated list of “Dates to Remember” for events and activities where God’s generous grace and mercy is passed along, celebrated, taught and/or lived out.  



“Dates to Remember”


For adults, there will be a Wednesday evening adult class offered beginning September 21 at 6:30pm, “Believing God: A Bible Study”, a Beth Moore 10 week Bible Study based on Isaiah 43:10 exploring not only what it means to believe in God, but to believe God!  Please call Kelly Elsebough at 589-8651 if interested so she can order enough of the materials.


Also, this year, along with our regular confirmation class, we are offering a confirmation class, which began this past Sunday for anyone older than Jr. High, through High School, who hasn’t yet been confirmed, but who would like to be.  Marianne Luethje will be teaching this class which will cover the basics of Luther’s Small Catechism, and which will prepare our older children for Confirmation by next Spring.  It’s not too late to become a part of this class.  If interested, contact either of the pastors, or Marianne.


Wednesday September 28 will be a big night at Our Savior:  


1)    Wednesday night dinners resume at  6pm!   


2)   This will also be the first night of 3 New Member Gatherings.   Anyone interested in becoming a member of Our Savior, or just learning more about the congregation is invited to join us at 6:30pm after the dinner then again on Sunday, Oct.2 at 9:45am and again on Wed. Oct. 5 at 6:30pm.    New members will be received the weekend of Oct. 15-16.     On Sunday October 2 pictures will be taken for our on-line church directory.  This will be for all upcoming members as well as anyone who would like an updated picture for our directory.  (If you’d like to view our online directory, go to our website,, click on “directory” and use the password:  letyourlightshine. 


3)   Choir practice will resume at 7pm!  If you’ve been in the choir before, or if you’d like to join the choir, there will be a gathering in the choir room for all interested.  Carole Olsen, one of our deacons, will be there to look at something coming up for the choir and gather input from the choir members as to how to best serve in this interim period while we are seeking a new organist/choir director.  Also, watch for hand bell choir information soon to come. 


Sunday October 2, at 4pm, “Blessing of the Animals” with special guest, Dr. Anna Harp.  Dr. Anna was born and raised in this congregation, and having graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama last May, is now practicing veterinary medicine at the Veterinary Center at Fishhawk, near Brandon, Florida.   Dr. Anna will be joined by her rescue dog, Chai, and share with us how she is using God’s gift of love and care for God’s creatures. 


Please note: Sunday October 9, 9:45am, special congregational meeting for a brief update on our building project and to vote on a financing proposal to finish the project!  This won’t be a long meeting, but it is an important one as we move toward the completion of this 50th Anniversary Building project. 


Beginning First Thursday evening in October:   Dancing with the Lutherans!  Watch for more info to come.


SUNDAY DECEMBER 11, one service only at 10am!    50th Anniversary Celebration and Dedication of our new addition!

There will be a service on Saturday at 6pm that weekend, but only one service that Sunday at 10am.  Bishop Ed Benoway will be our guest preacher that day.  Worship will be followed by an “Open House” to tour the new addition, pictures and remembrances of Our Savior’s 50 year history, and a dinner.   Watch for more info, but mark your calendars now!


For more information about the life and ministry of Our Savior, please visit our website at:   


God’s work; our hands.          Pastor Jack +




Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Yesterday, September 11, was an especially memorable day for us at Our Savior. Not only did we remember the horrific events and also the acts of selflessness and courage of 10 years ago, but on the same morning we began our new Sunday School year, for all ages which included so many of our children who weren’t even born 10 years ago! It is our hope and prayer that even though the bad things that happen in our world would change us for the worse, God’s Word of promise and forgiveness would be a force that would truly change us for the better. That is the Word we draw upon in good times and bad, and the Word which we pass along to our children.

As this season now begins to unfold, and we find ways to draw upon and live out God’s Word of promise and forgiveness, please check out the following dates to remember.

“Dates to Remember”

Sunday School has resumed, and along with classes for all ages, two adult classes will be offered. The one class that began yesterday looks at changes in life from a Biblical perspective. The 2nd adult class which begins this coming Sunday, Sept. 18, will be an in depth study on Holy Communion.

Also, for adults, there will be a Wednesday evening adult class offered beginning September 21 at 6:30pm, “Believing God: A Bible Study”, a Beth Moore 10 week Bible Study based on Isaiah 43:10 exploring not only what it means to believe in God, but to believe God! Please call Kelly Elsebough at 589-8651 if interested so she can order enough of the materials.

Wednesday September 28 will be a big night at Our Savior:

1) Wednesday night dinners resume at 6pm!

2) This will also be the first night of 3 New Member Gatherings. Anyone interested in becoming a member of Our Savior, or just learning more about the congregation is invited to join us at 6:30pm after the dinner then again on Sunday, Oct.2 at 9:45am and again on Wed. Oct. 5 at 6:30pm. New members will be received the weekend of Oct. 15-16. On Sunday October 2 pictures will be taken for our on-line church directory. This will be for all upcoming members as well as anyone who would like an updated picture for our directory. (If you’d like to view our online directory, go to our website,, click on “directory” and use the password: letyourlightshine.

3) Choir practice will resume at 7pm! If you’ve been in the choir before, or if you’d like to join the choir, there will be a gathering in the choir room for all interested. Carole Olsen, one of our deacons, will be there to look at something coming up for the choir and gather input from the choir members as to how to best serve in this interim period while we are seeking a new organist/choir director. Also, watch for hand bell choir information soon to come.

Sunday October 2, at 4pm, “Blessing of the Animals” with special guest, Dr. Anna Harp. Dr. Anna was born and raised in this congregation, and having graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama last May, is now practicing veterinary medicine at the Veterinary Center at Fishhawk, near Brandon, Florida. Dr. Anna will be joined by her rescue dog, Chai, and share with us how she is using God’s gift of love and care for God’s creatures.

Beginning First Thursday evening in October: Dancing with the Lutherans! Watch for more info to come.

SUNDAY DECEMBER 11, one service only at 10am! 50th Anniversary Celebration and Dedication of our new addition!

There will be a service on Saturday at 6pm that weekend, but only one service that Sunday at 10am. Bishop Ed Benoway will be our guest preacher that day. Worship will be followed by an “Open House” to tour the new addition, pictures and remembrances of Our Savior’s 50 year history, and a dinner. Watch for more info, but mark your calendars now!

For more information about the life and ministry of Our Savior, please visit our website at:

May you have a blessed week! See you in church! Pastor Jack +

Monday, September 12, 2011

O.S.E-news: Sept. 12


Yesterday, September 11, was an especially memorable day for us at Our Savior.  Not only did we remember the horrific events and also the acts of selflessness and courage of 10 years ago, but on the same morning we began our new Sunday School year, for all ages which included so many of our children who weren’t even born 10 years ago!  It is our hope and prayer that even though the bad things that happen in our world would change us for the worse, God’s Word of promise and forgiveness would be a force that would truly change us for the better.  That is the Word we draw upon in good times and bad, and the Word which we pass along to our children.   


As this season now begins to unfold, and we find ways to draw upon and live out God’s Word of promise and forgiveness, please check out the following dates to remember.


“Dates to Remember”


Sunday School has resumed, and along with classes for all ages,  two adult classes will be offered.  The one class that began yesterday looks at changes in life from a Biblical perspective.   The 2nd adult class which begins this coming Sunday, Sept. 18, will be an in depth study on Holy Communion. 


Also, for adults, there will be a Wednesday evening adult class offered beginning September 21 at 6:30pm, “Believing God: A Bible Study”, a Beth Moore 10 week Bible Study based on Isaiah 43:10 exploring not only what it means to believe in God, but to believe God!  Please call Kelly Elsebough at 589-8651 if interested so she can order enough of the materials.


Wednesday September 28 will be a big night at Our Savior:  


1)      Wednesday night dinners resume at  6pm!   


2)      This will also be the first night of 3 New Member Gatherings.   Anyone interested in becoming a member of Our Savior, or just learning more about the congregation is invited to join us at 6:30pm after the dinner then again on Sunday, Oct.2 at 9:45am and again on Wed. Oct. 5 at 6:30pm.    New members will be received the weekend of Oct. 15-16.     On Sunday October 2 pictures will be taken for our on-line church directory.  This will be for all upcoming members as well as anyone who would like an updated picture for our directory.  (If you’d like to view our online directory, go to our website,, click on “directory” and use the password:  letyourlightshine. 


3)      Choir practice will resume at 7pm!  If you’ve been in the choir before, or if you’d like to join the choir, there will be a gathering in the choir room for all interested.  Carole Olsen, one of our deacons, will be there to look at something coming up for the choir and gather input from the choir members as to how to best serve in this interim period while we are seeking a new organist/choir director.  Also, watch for hand bell choir information soon to come. 


Sunday October 2, at 4pm, “Blessing of the Animals” with special guest, Dr. Anna Harp.  Dr. Anna was born and raised in this congregation, and having graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama last May, is now practicing veterinary medicine at the Veterinary Center at Fishhawk, near Brandon, Florida.   Dr. Anna will be joined by her rescue dog, Chai, and share with us how she is using God’s gift of love and care for God’s creatures. 


Beginning First Thursday evening in October:   Dancing with the Lutherans!  Watch for more info to come.


SUNDAY DECEMBER 11, one service only at 10am!    50th Anniversary Celebration and Dedication of our new addition!

There will be a service on Saturday at 6pm that weekend, but only one service that Sunday at 10am.  Bishop Ed Benoway will be our guest preacher that day.  Worship will be followed by an “Open House” to tour the new addition, pictures and remembrances of Our Savior’s 50 year history, and a dinner.   Watch for more info, but mark your calendars now!


For more information about the life and ministry of Our Savior, please visit our website at:   


May you have a blessed week!    See you in church!   Pastor Jack +




Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Some construction pictures!

Attached are a few pictures of our construction project, which is coming along nicely!  The first two are of the bell tower.  The third is looking at the entrance coming down the new walkway from under the bell tower.  The last picture is in the new narthex looking out the new main entrance and up at the circle where the new faceted glass window will be.  Today the rest of the plywood for the roof is going on.  More pictures to come!    Dedication date is December 11, with one service that Sunday at 10am!    God’s work; our hands!    (Many thanks to our Property Chairperson from our Church Council, Mark Davia, for the pictures!)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I think summer must be “officially” over. It’s Labor Day, and I know for us Floridians, while Fall seems a long way off, and we are still in the peak of hurricane season, I received a text message from my son in Ohio today. He said that on Saturday the heat index was 105 degrees and people of all ages were suffering from heat exhaustion. Today it is 60 degrees and overcast. Good ol’ Midwest! So, Fall is on its way, at least in some parts of the country. That means this coming weekend we return to our regular worship schedule; Saturday remains the same, 6pm, but Sunday returns to 8:30 and 11am with Sunday School at 9:45am. After our wonderful Sunday School registration pizza night last week, it was reinforced for us once again that having a change of schedule for the summer, with a recess for Sunday School is really a good thing. After all the comings and goings of the summer, we can now all re-connect, the teachers are ready to go, we have another fun theme for the new Sunday School year (“working dogs” with Goldie our mascot) and this is something we’re all looking forward to! Hope you can be here for this kick off weekend! And on top of everything else, you can stop in the choir room after worship and get your blood pressure checked by one of our parish nurses.

With the new “season” upon us, please check out our “Dates to Remember” section below which highlights some special events coming down the pike. (This section will be updated weekly.)

But before you check that out, I need to make one comment about worship this past weekend. We started a new tradition this past weekend as we celebrated and honored all the work that the people of Our Savior do during the week. We placed a bulletin board in the chancel, entitled “God’s Work; Our Hands” where people placed their business cards or wrote on post-it notes their names and what they did in their daily work. As the board filled up we saw what a wonderful mixture of gifts and abilities from Our Savior are out there at work in the world! It was so interesting that we decided to hang that bulletin board on the wall in our gathering/sending space for you to see. And if you weren’t here this past weekend, feel free to bring in a business card or put your own note on the board. We will be leaving it in church for the month of September. As I mentioned at the end of worship, as we look at the altar and see only the crust of the loaf of bread left after communion, we are reminded that the rest of that loaf, the Body of Christ, is now out in the world in each of us as we leave the altar and take Christ with us into our daily work and daily lives. May that be so for each of you.

“Dates to Remember”

Wednesday September 28: Wednesday night dinners resume; 6pm! This will also be the first night of 3 New Member Gatherings. Anyone interested in becoming a member of Our Savior, or just learning more about the congregation is invited to join us at 6:30pm after the dinner then again on Sunday, Oct.2 at 9:45am and again on Wed. Oct. 5 at 6:30pm. New members will be received the weekend of Oct. 15-16.

Sunday October 2, at 4pm, “Blessing of the Animals” with special guest, Dr. Anna Harp. Dr. Anna was born and raised in this congregation, and having graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama last May, is now practicing veterinary medicine at the Veterinary Center at Fishhawk, near Brandon, Florida. Dr. Anna will be joined by her rescue dog, Chai, and share with us how she is using God’s gift of love and care for God’s creatures.

Beginning First Thursday evening in October: Dancing with the Lutherans! Watch for more info to come.

SUNDAY DECEMBER 11, one service only at 10am! 50th Anniversary Celebration and Dedication of our new addition!

There will be a service on Saturday at 6pm that weekend, but only one service that Sunday. Bishop Ed Benoway will be our guest preacher that day. Worship will be followed by an “Open House” to tour the new addition, pictures and remembrances of Our Savior’s 50 year history, and a dinner. Watch for more info, but mark your calendars now!

For more information about the life and ministry of Our Savior, please visit our website at:

May you have a blessed week! See you in church! Pastor Jack +

Monday, September 5, 2011

O.S.E-news: Happy Labor Day!


I think summer must be “officially” over.  It’s Labor Day, and I know for us Floridians, while Fall seems a long way off,  and we are still in the peak of hurricane season, I received a text message from my son in Ohio today.  He said that on Saturday the heat index was 105 degrees and people of all ages were suffering from heat exhaustion.  Today it is 60 degrees and overcast.  Good ol’ Midwest!  So, Fall is on its way, at least in some parts of the country.   That means this coming weekend we return to our regular worship schedule; Saturday remains the same, 6pm, but Sunday returns to 8:30 and 11am with Sunday School at 9:45am.   After our wonderful Sunday School registration pizza night last week, it was reinforced for us once again that having a change of schedule for the summer, with a recess for Sunday School is really a good thing.  After all the comings and goings of the summer, we can now all re-connect, the teachers are ready to go, we have another fun theme for the new Sunday School year (“working dogs” with Goldie our mascot) and this is something we’re all looking forward to!   Hope you can be here for this kick off weekend!  And on top of everything else, you can stop in the choir room after worship and get your blood pressure checked by one of our parish nurses. 


With the new “season” upon us, please check out our “Dates to Remember” section below which highlights some special events coming down the pike.  (This section will be updated weekly.)


But before you check that out, I need to make one comment about worship this past weekend.   We started a new tradition this past weekend as we celebrated and honored all the work that the people of Our Savior do during the week.  We placed a bulletin board in the chancel, entitled “God’s Work; Our Hands”  where people placed their business cards or wrote on post-it notes their names and what they did in their daily work.  As the board filled up we saw what a wonderful mixture of gifts and abilities from Our Savior are out there at work in the world!   It was so interesting that we decided to hang that bulletin board on the wall in our gathering/sending space for you to see.  And if you weren’t here this past weekend, feel free to bring in a business card or put your own note on the board.  We will be leaving it in church for the month of September.  As I mentioned at the end of worship, as we look at the altar and see only the crust of the loaf of bread left after communion,  we are reminded that the rest of that loaf, the Body of Christ, is now out in the world in each of us as we leave the altar and take Christ with us into our daily work and daily lives.  May that be so for each of you. 


“Dates to Remember”


Wednesday September 28:   Wednesday night dinners resume; 6pm!    This will also be the first night of 3 New Member Gatherings.   Anyone interested in becoming a member of Our Savior, or just learning more about the congregation is invited to join us at 6:30pm after the dinner then again on Sunday, Oct.2 at 9:45am and again on Wed. Oct. 5 at 6:30pm.    New members will be received the weekend of Oct. 15-16.


Sunday October 2, at 4pm, “Blessing of the Animals” with special guest, Dr. Anna Harp.  Dr. Anna was born and raised in this congregation, and having graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama last May, is now practicing veterinary medicine at the Veterinary Center at Fishhawk, near Brandon, Florida.   Dr. Anna will be joined by her rescue dog, Chai, and share with us how she is using God’s gift of love and care for God’s creatures. 


Beginning First Thursday evening in October:   Dancing with the Lutherans!  Watch for more info to come.


SUNDAY DECEMBER 11, one service only at 10am!    50th Anniversary Celebration and Dedication of our new addition!

There will be a service on Saturday at 6pm that weekend, but only one service that Sunday.  Bishop Ed Benoway will be our guest preacher that day.  Worship will be followed by an “Open House” to tour the new addition, pictures and remembrances of Our Savior’s 50 year history, and a dinner.   Watch for more info, but mark your calendars now!


For more information about the life and ministry of Our Savior, please visit our website at:   


May you have a blessed week!    See you in church!   Pastor Jack +