Monday, April 27, 2015

Connected in the Risen Lord!





This coming weekend we will hear a beautiful image of a Vine and Branches, and how when the branches are connected to the Vine, that means Life.  When disconnected, that means death. 


We all know both the pain and joy of being disconnected or connected in relationships that are important to us.   Join us this coming weekend in worship as we hear about our most important relationship, that affects all other relationships. 


And speaking of relationships and being connected, one of the ways we stay connected with God and each other is by being a part of a congregation.  We are in the process of working through a new way of becoming a member of Our Savior Lutheran Church, as spelled out in the following.   If this is something you'd be interested in, we'd be happy to meet with you about this.




Interested in Becoming a Member of Our Savior Lutheran?


Becoming a member is a process of becoming part of the life and ministry of the body of Christ here at Our Savior. Every member of the body of Christ brings different perspectives, personalities, experiences, and gifts. The beauty of the family of God is each person makes it a greater whole.


We realize that because becoming a member is really joining in the life of the family of God, the best process to become a member is to do just that! So we have made some changes to our approach to membership. Instead of asking you to come to New Member Classes, we are asking you to meet with one of the pastors, complete a new member question form, and try one education and one service opportunity here at Our Savior.

Some of you are already doing these very things.


Find out more by picking up a new member brochure in the narthex, office or a staff member, talking with one of the pastors, or calling the church office.


We give thanks for each person God brings through our doors and for the privilege to grow in faith together.



Have a blessed week.  See you in church!   


Pastor Jack Diehl +  


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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Monday, April 20, 2015

Walking and Leaping and Praising God!





Our Savior Logo  


"Silver and gold I have none, but what I have I give you."  This was spoken by Peter to a lame man who was begging for money.  But what the man received was so much more than just money.  In the name of Jesus, he was made whole, and he went "walking and leaping and praising God!"  


I've been thinking about that encounter since I heard Pastor Shelly speak about it in her sermon.  Maybe I've been thinking about it especially since recently I've had various people come to see me needing money, or needing relationships fixed, or needing some other problem solved.  But at the same time,  in these recent situations, the people who come with these problems or needs, haven't been in church for months or years or even ever, and there is not much of a relationship with God.  Hmmm...


What this says to me is, yes, while everyone has problems to be fixed, and needs to be met, at the heart and core of all problems and needs is our need to be connected to our Creator.  When that relationship is being nurtured and tended to, we are equipped to deal with all of those other things as well. 


And while it would be easy, for any of us, to just go for the simple answer, (give some $, offer a solution or advice, bail somebody out of something, etc), maybe these can be opportunities to say "Silver or gold I have none, but what I have I'll give you."   Then raise the issue of where that someone is in his or her relationship with God, and point to the promises and the presence of the Risen Christ, who has opened that door, who invites us in, and offers us the gifts of the Spirit.   THAT is so much more that even what we think we need.   


See you in church....and bring a friend!       


Have a blessed week.   Pastor Jack Diehl +  



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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Monday, April 13, 2015

An Easter Life.....





The Resurrection and the Living Christ calls us into community...a special kind of community that says we are a part of something rare, something precious, something utterly revolutionary.  To quote Brian McLaren, on reflecting what those first disciples must have felt:  "It feels like an uprising.  an uprising of hope, not hate.  An uprising armed with love, not weapons.  An uprising that shouts a joyful promise of life and peace, not angry threats of hostility an death.  It's an uprising of outstretched hands, not clenched fists.  It's the "someday" we have always dreamed of, emerging in the present, rising up among us and within us." 


And we get to live into that new kind of community of faith, and nurture it in all kinds of ways.  


Here are some of the ways that happens around Our Savior:


All Choirs start back this week at normal rehearsal times, including DayChimers at Noon on Tuesday.   Why don't you come and try a group out for the final months of the season?  Contact Ryan for more information or questions.  The choir would love some more voices as our seasonal friends return up north!


A new Women's Book Club starts tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Quiet Room.  The first book the group will read is One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are.  Contact the office for more information. 


Midweek dinners are finished for the year, they will resume this fall!  THANK YOU to all who cooked, scheduled, served, cleaned, ate and helped this past year. What a wonderful talented group of hospitality ministers!  If you would like to help in anyway in the future just contact Beth in the office or


For adults, age 50+, a Retreat at Luther Springs, April 20-22 (not too late to register!)  "Discover tools and resources to identify your God-given gifts to find meaning, passsion, and purpose for the second half of life."  How great does that sound!?  And if you haven't been to Luther Springs (about 45 minutes east of Gainesville), you can see where our kids go to camp, and experience another beautiful part of Florida.  (You can register online at or email 



9am to 3pm, June 8-12th

For ages 1st to 8th grade (as of fall 2015)


OSLC Day Camp is a week of just letting kids be kids--good clean fun like getting sprayed with the fire truck water hose on water day, outdoor games like counselor hunt and capture the flag, singing silly songs, church lock-in for the middle schoolers, lots of laughing and learning about God's love for them.


And here is the best part, the cost of Day Camp is only $25 . . . for the whole week! This is due to a generous gift from a member of the congregation who subsidizes the rest of the cost. Registration forms here! 




9am to 3pm, July 27- Aug. 7th (2 week camp)

For ages 1st to 8th grade (as of Fall 2015)


CAMP RHYTHMO is new this year to OSLC. Camp Rhythmo is put on by an organization out of New York run by Michael Bodnyck. Michael is a musician, teacher, and the son of a Lutheran pastor. Camp Rhythmo is a full-day two week camp that inspires young people to pursue lifelong health, build self-confidence and creativity through movement, music, and visual arts. It ends with a showcase program for parents of song, dance & art.


Registration forms here! Note registration forms can be turned into the church office. Cost is $175, but OSLC kids get a discounted price of $150.


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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

Alleluia, Christ is Risen!
April 7, 2015




Christ is Risen!   With that Life giving Good News, we now enter a "week of weeks" for the Easter season.  For 7 weeks, we get to continue the Easter celebration.  Of course, every Sunday is a "mini-Easter" year round.  But for the next 7 weeks, our worship will especially reflect what it means to be an Easter people, now 2000+ years after the Resurrection.


What that also means is that if for some reason you weren't able to worship with us on Easter Sunday you can still  come and share in the celebration.  And this truly is Life giving. Just ask any of the 900+ people who were here on Easter morning!   Gathering together as God's Easter people, and receiving our Risen Lord at his table puts all of our joys, sorrows, struggles and celebrations in the proper context.  Being in relationship with the Living God gives special meaning and substance to all of our other relationships. 


Many, many thanks to all who made Easter morning such a wonderful celebration...the musicians, worship assistants, ushers, Easter breakfast crew, set up and grounds people who made everything so beautiful, Sunday School teachers who were a part of the great Easter Egg Hunt Saturday morning, and all who worshiped with us!   Wow. 


All I can say is,  "Come and see!"  

Christ is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!  Alleluia!  


See you in church.    Most gratefully,   Pastor Jack Diehl +


*Activities resume this week: Wednesday morning Bible Study returns to it's 10AM time, God Pause returns at noon on Wednesdays in the Garden Room, and Adult and Children's Sunday School resumes at 9:45AM Sundays.



Weekly Devotions and Prayers: Taking Home Faith  
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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960