Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Summertime, and the livin' is.......

May 28, 2013






Summertime, and the livin' is....    Well, not exactly "easy" but a nice change of pace. And with this change of pace, this is for us at Our Savior a time to do some planning, regrouping and looking ahead.  


Along with that, we are now in our summer worship schedule (Saturday 6pm, Sunday 9:30am), and what a great first weekend it was! It just so happened that Trinity Sunday fell on Memorial Day weekend. With the combined services it was great to have a full church, special music (thanks, Charles, French Horn; Handbell ringers (click here to listen!); Eric, soloist; and Ron and Steve on Saturday night) and all in all very meaningful worship experiences both Saturday and Sunday, as we were invited into God's dance with his creation! (To hear the sermon on that topic, click here).   


Then following worship we had our annual Spring congregational meeting. Three members were newly elected to our congregational council: Clint Rahjes, Stewardship; Karen Reed, Fellowship; and Len Frosina, Nurturing. Many thanks to all of these for their willingness to serve.  Also at the meeting we received an update on our building project and heard of the following three projects/additions going on around Our Savior.  


First, re: the building project, we are on track with paying back the notes. The total cost of the project (completed in December of 2011) was around $700,000. As of now, our total indebtedness is about $215,000. Many thanks to all who are holding notes for that, and a special thanks to the one holder of a $10,000 note, who donated that back to Our Savior. We are really blessed and so grateful for everyone's participation and generosity.  


The other projects mentioned were as follows:


1)  Anyone who spends any time around Our Savior can attest to the aging covered walkways that weren't updated with the new construction. Due to a very generous bequest from one of our members, Carl Hefferon, who passed away a few months ago, we are able to move ahead on the construction of new covered walkways continuing from where the new leaves off.  The total cost is around $64,000. The majority of that cost will be covered by Carl's bequest. If anyone would like to help cover the remaining several thousand, that would be much appreciated.    


2)  A new phone system is needed in the offices. The installation of that will begin within the next couple of weeks. The cost for this new and much needed addition is $4200. Any gifts toward this  project would be much appreciated also.  


3)  After "living into" the new Quiet Room off of the narthex, we were able to zero in on what kind of furnishings are needed to complete that room. Two new wooden tables (4'X4') and 25 chairs have been ordered from Sauder Church Furniture company to finish off that room. Many thanks to all who were a part of choosing the colors, styles, etc. and to the anonymous gift of $5200 to cover the cost of the new furniture. It will arrive sometime in July!


As the summer unfolds, we look forward to Day Camp, Confirmation Camp and special musical opportunities in worship, along with the change of pace. Whatever the summer holds for you, we look forward to seeing you when you are in town, and hope you have a good and safe summer if you are traveling.


Please also consider signing up to be a summer usher by using the link below, you will receive a reminder e-mail as well when you sign up!


You can keep in touch by visiting our website at:  www.oursaviorelca.com


See you in church!  Pastor Jack +

Summer Ushers Needed!
at the 9:30 service.   
No experience needed, summer is a great
time to usher for the first time. 
Weekly Devotions and Prayers: Taking Home Faith  
This email was sent to oslcvero.godsamazinggrace@blogger.com by oslc@oursaviorelca.comcastbiz.net |  
Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Change of Seasons.....

May 20, 2013









There's something refreshing and renewing about the change of seasons.  For us here in Vero Beach, the seasons aren't exactly like those "up north", but there still are different seasons, and like all seasons, the change offers a nice rhythm to life.   



In worship, this past Sunday marked the beginning of the longest liturgical season of the church year, the season of Pentecost.  After the seven weeks of Easter, we celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit on to the disciples, in a sense marking the birthday of the church.  It was a wonderful celebration as the church was filled with red; the children led us into worship with streamers reflective of the wind and fire of that first Pentecost; we heard the Pentecost story from Acts in different languages and a wonderful sermon about what that all meant (and what this e-mails special picture means for Pastor Shelly and you).   You can visit our website to hear the sermon by clicking here.  


 The changing of the season also means a change in our worship schedule beginning this upcoming weekend, Memorial Day weekend, and running through Labor Day weekend.  Our Saturday service continues at 6pm, but Sunday worship is at 9:30am.   This time was arrived at through a poll taken a couple of years ago when we were determining a time for one Sunday service.  For some it's their favorite worship time all year!   But if it's too early or too late for others, the Saturday service is a good option.  In fact, many come to the Saturday service instead of Sunday for one of those reasons.   The main reason for having two instead of three services is that it makes for a fuller and more meaningful worship experience, and you get to know people whom you might not otherwise see very often!   



Also, on this Memorial Day weekend, following the 9:30 service, there will be a brief congregational meeting to elect some new Council members and give a little "state of the congregation" update, re: some upcoming plans, etc.  If you're in town, we hope you can join us for that.  Also, please consider summer ushering, you can sign up below.  I know the staff would be grateful if you signed up for even one service! 


But whether you are here or away at this time of year, may the change of the season be for you refreshing, renewing and another opportunity for you to appreciate and bask in God's grace in a new way. 


For more information about life at Our Savior, please visit our website at:  www.oursaviorelca.com.    See you in church!   Pastor Jack Diehl +





 Our Savior is now collecting
Old Cell Phones and Used Ink Jet Cartridge
The funds raised will be used to benefit the Fine Arts and Music programs.  Please drop your items off in the office!   










Summer Ushers Needed!
at the 9:30 service.   
No experience needed, summer is a great
time to usher for the first time. 
Weekly Devotions and Prayers: Taking Home Faith  
This email was sent to oslcvero.godsamazinggrace@blogger.com by oslc@oursaviorelca.comcastbiz.net |  
Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Monday, May 13, 2013

"I Spy"

May 13, 2013






"I Spy" a starfish...somewhere on that page of all kinds of things! 
"I Spy" is a popular kids book that has kids and adults looking for those things that are there...but hard to see. Reminded me of Ascension. 
Since Jesus ascended, he's still here, but sometimes hard to see. That was a main thought in my sermon this past weekend.  Several people have requested two illustrations which were in the sermon, so here they are.  


The first is from Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), a mystic, reformer and writer.  In thinking about the Ascended Christ, no longer here as he was after the Resurrection, but at the same time still very much here, she writes: 


"Christ has no body but yours; No hands, no feet on earth but yours; Yours are the eyes with which he looks with compassion on this world; Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good; Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world; Yours are the hands, Yours are the feet, Yours are the eyes, You are his body.  Christ has no body now but yours."


The other requested quote was from Peggy Campolo, wife of well know author

and inspirational speaker, Tony Campolo. Feeling somewhat intimidated at times around some powerful, influential people, since she chose to spend her time and energy raising her children, because her husband was gone so often, Tony suggested she put into words how she felt about her role as mother. This is what she told the next person who asked what she did.  "I am nurturing two Homo Sapiens into the dominant values of the Judean-Christian tradition, in order that they might become instruments for the transformation of the social order into the kind of eschatological utopia God envisioned from the beginning of time."   Can't you see Jesus present in that understanding of motherhood!


And don't forget about Day Camp here at OSLC, June 17-21, 9am-3pm (cost is only $25 for the whole week!). Registration forms can be found here.


Day Camp is open to all children going into 1st to 8th grade, usually half of our campers are from the community at large (not just from OSLC). So invite a friend, neighbor child, grandchild, to Day Camp to experience a week of faith-filled fun at OSLC!


All choirs at Our Savior wrap up the season this week.  If you are interested in doing anything musical in worship this summer please e-mail our Minister of Music, Ryan. (music@OurSaviorELCA.com)    Summer is a wonderful time to get that old instrument out or even play simple pre-service music before worship. 


As we look ahead to next weekend, we hear more about how Jesus is present among us, and through us, through the work of the Holy Spirit.  So, WEAR RED as we will be celebrating Pentecost!


See you in church!

Pastor Jack +





 Our Savior is now collecting Old Cell Phones and Used Ink Jet Cartridges. The funds raised will be used to benefit the Fine Arts and Music programs.  Please drop your items off in the office! 









Summer Ushers Needed!
at the 9:30 service.   
No experience needed, summer is a great
time to usher for the first time. 
Weekly Devotions and Prayers: Taking Home Faith  
This email was sent to oslcvero.godsamazinggrace@blogger.com by oslc@oursaviorelca.comcastbiz.net |  
Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Monday, May 6, 2013

Emotional Days......

May 6, 2013






Synod Assembly meetings often mean a lot of sitting, and not always real stimulating.  But this past synod assembly was different...at least for me.  Even if you're not interested in synod assemblies, you might want to keep reading.  


What made this assembly different was perhaps not necessarily that IT was all that different, but maybe because I saw things a little differently. And because of that, those 3 days in Orlando (Thursday May 2 - Saturday May 4) were surprisingly emotional.  More than once I found myself looking for kleenex to wipe my eyes.  Why were those tears welling up as they were?   I've been to a lot of synod assemblies, but don't ever remember that happening...maybe at all, let alone pretty regularly those few days!  I'm a pretty stoic guy most of the time.  What the...??


As I've thought about it, I think it pretty much boiled down to a few things.  One was seeing new, wonderfully gifted, young leaders surfacing and doing great things.  From having Sarah Lanyi as our Youth Voting member, along with 27 other Youth Voting members at the assembly.  And these are smart, sharp, kids, who reflect some wonderful gifts of the Spirit as was reflected in Pastor Blaine Johnson's daughter's address to the assembly on behalf of all those Youth Voting members.  It was awesome.  To having my daughter Katie join us for part of a day.  She lives in the Orlando area, is presently a high school teacher, but who has been a camp counselor for Luther Springs and is currently active, and doing some neat things in a healthy congregation, St. Stephen's in Longwood...a congregation who has a great young pastor, who will soon be joined with an even younger associate pastor.  To seeing Pastor Shelly and Ryan involved in so much of the worship of the assembly, and seeing what great gifts they bring to the church.  All of that together had me tearing up on and off for all three days...as I saw God at work in some wonderful ways in these young people.   It was all just so heart warming and encouraging.  It really touched me and made me so glad to be a part of this church.  


In addition to, and in contrast to all of that I also saw many colleagues and contemporaries approaching retirement.  As Bishop Ed Benoway's term ended, he will be retiring, as will Pastor Paul Lutze and Ken Aicher, also from the synod office, not to mention a number of other colleagues who have retired or who would be retiring soon, or who asked me, "Are you retired yet?" or "When are you retiring?"  Yikes!  Doesn't seem all that long ago that we were the young bucks, in the middle of all of what was happening.  I'm happy to say most of those colleagues were at least a little older than I am and as long as my health stays as good as it is, retirement is not on my mind.   But it still was a reminder, that the time will come eventually to pass the baton.  I'm sure some of that contributed to the welling up occasionally.  


Finally, along with, and in the middle of seeing all those young people on the one hand and those reminders of the passing of time on the other, was the realization of the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in the middle of it all, and that we are a part of something wonderfully timeless in the time God gives us.  That wonderfully timeless gift being the grace of God which shapes our lives, gives us hope, keeps us going, and is the source of that peace of God that passes all understanding. To see that grace of God at work in the young and old and everyone in between, was really moving...to the point of those surprising tears.  That's what made this past assembly a bit different from all the others for me this time, and I was so glad to be a part of it once again.  


For other information about the assembly, the elections and more, you can visit our synod website at:  


For us here at Our Savior, this past weekend was the closing celebration of the Sunday School year.  That means there will only be 2 more weekends with 3 services.  On Memorial Day weekend we go to our summer schedule, as we continue our 6pm Saturday service, but go to just one service at 9:30am on Sunday. On that weekend we will also have our annual Spring congregational meeting following that 9:30 service.  


Looking ahead to next Sunday, May 12, we have the opportunity to meet with the Coptic church, which meets in our Fellowship Hall every Sunday evening.  Our gathering with them will be from 7 - 8:30pm.  Plan on coming to meet and get acquainted with these brothers and sisters in Christ from a different tradition.


For more information about life at Our Savior, please visit our website at:  www.oursaviorelca.com.    See you in church!   Pastor Jack Diehl +




 Our Savior is now collecting Old Cell Phones and Used Ink Jet Cartridges. The funds raised will be used to benefit the Fine Arts and Music programs.  Please drop your items off in the office! 



God Pause Now Online!  God Pause
 God Pause devotions are short, meaningful reflections on the following Sunday's lessons and gospel. By Sunday, you'll be ready for an extra meaningful worship experience.


Devotion writers are Luther Seminary alumni/ae. Their reflections are a gift to you and to the church.

Updated Daily at www.oursaviorelca.com  
Taking Faith Home Now Online!
This email was sent to oslcvero.godsamazinggrace@blogger.com by oslc@oursaviorelca.comcastbiz.net |  
Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960