Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Update, weird request and more...


First, an update:  the Space Coast Chamber Orchestra originally scheduled for tomorrow evening, Thursday May 31, here at Our Savior, has been cancelled.  But watch for other upcoming concerts in the future.   The Space Coast Symphony, along with its Chamber Orchestra mini concerts (as Our Savior has hosted in the past) is a wonderful upcoming group of musicians worthy of keeping track of!


Next is one of the strangest requests I've ever received, so I had to pass it along.  Many of you may know Deborah Borfitz, one of our hand bell ringers and member of Our Savior.  She's also a wonderful writer for the Vero Beach Magazine.  She has sent out a request for spider stories. Yes, spider stories – as told by anyone of any age or spider disposition, so long as they hail from Indian River County. It's for a story she's writing for the Sept/Oct issue of Vero Beach Magazine. It will be accompanied by plenty of cool spider photos. Along with snakes, among God's most maligned creations!     Her deadline is early July.  You can call Deb at 772-569-8165.  


Finally, since I have your attention, this weekend, our new council members will be installed during worship (6pm Saturday, 9:30am Sunday….remember, we're in our summer worship schedule).   


Sunday afternoon and evening there will be a hand bell concert in the chapel at the Community Church, 2 performances: 4:30 and 7pm.  It's a free concert, but a free will offering will be received.  I mention this because several members of Our Savior ring in this advanced hand bell group. 


Looking ahead, next Tuesday at 11am there will be a Memorial Service for Skippy Doak here at Our Savior.   Skippy died on Memorial Day in the Hospice House here in Vero Beach.  Bob and Skippy have been much loved, long time members of Our Savior.   Please plan on joining us next Tuesday as we remember Skippy, support Bob and his family and hear again God's Word of comfort, strength and peace. 


Have a blessed week.      Pastor Jack Diehl +  







Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Space Coast Symphony Chamber Concert



From: Our Savior Lutheran Church
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 9:53 AM
To: Our Savior Lutheran Church
Subject: Space Coast Symphony Chamber Concert


 The Space Coast Symphony Orchestra presents the Tekalli Duo Thursday, May 31 at 7:00PM at Our Savior Lutheran Church. While on their Floridian East coast tour, this brother and sister team will be performing exciting and beautiful works by Gershwin, Ravel, and Chopin for piano and violin. Don't miss this musical tour de force of sibling synergy! Tickets are $10 and will be available for purchase at the door. Students 18 and under admitted free and donations will gladly be accepted.



Monday, May 28, 2012

A new season


This Memorial Day weekend brought in a new season at Our Savior in more ways than one.   For one, we are now in the summer season for our worship schedule,  with worship on Saturdays at 6pm and Sundays at 9:30am only.  This schedule runs through the Labor Day weekend.  (Like so many other churches, including the Lutheran Church in Lake Wobegon...if you heard the Prairie Home Companion this past weekend.)     


But in a bigger way, it's also a new season for our congregation and the music ministry at Our Savior, as it was Ryan Hostler's first Sunday with us and his installation as minister of music.  And what a fitting day for that, as we celebrated Pentecost...the coming of the promised Holy Spirit!  Many thanks to the women's choir, the readers of the Pentecost story in several different languages, the children who processed in with the streamers, all who wore red and all who made it a wonderful celebration of Pentecost.  I received the following text from one of our members after worship yesterday: "Pastor, the Spirit of the Lord was manifest in the House of God today!  Through Ryan and his music especially!"  And in another email I received a similar response about worship, re: the children and the red and the music and the singing, and how the Spirit was present in a very real way.  What a wonderful way to start this new season!  Lots for which to be grateful.  


As this new season now begins to unfold, don't forget the Lasagna dinner Wednesday night with our special guest, Pastor Kevin Jacobson and Vicar Aretha, from Suriname.  The evening begins at 5pm in the church followed by dinner in the fellowship hall.  We have a good number of people signed up, but there is still some room if you'd like to come.  Just reply to this email and we'll save a seat for you!


The Friday "Parents' Night Out" concluded last Friday.  Thanks to all who took advantage of that service by the upcoming Mission Trip Team of Youth Group members.   They are now finalizing their plans for this summer’s Mission Trip.  


This is hoping that all had a good Memorial Day weekend.   On Monday, Memorial Day afternoon at 3pm (as I understand people were doing all around the country) we paused at our family picnic to remember those who gave of themselves in service to our country.   We thought of the drummer in our High School band who went off to Viet Nam and didn't return.  And of all of those others who died in service to our country, or who did return, but not the same as they left.  Many sacrifices were made.  Terrible things happen in a broken world.  How long will it take us to figure out how to resolve conflicts and problems apart from war?  Lord, have mercy.


As this week unfolds, may we be open to the renewing presence of the Holy Spirit, who guides us into all Truth and who is our source of that Peace which passes all human understanding.  


See you in church.     Pastor Jack + 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer coming!

We had our end of Sunday School celebration a couple weeks ago, our annual Spring congregational meeting was yesterday where we elected several new council members, we gave out 11 scholarships to graduating seniors and other college students, this coming weekend we begin our summer worship schedule (Saturday 6pm, Sunday 9:30am) and the roads in Vero Beach are pretty empty!   All reminders that summer is about here. 


In some ways that makes for a change of pace, but that doesn’t mean a lot isn’t happening!   This first weekend of our summer schedule coming up is coincidentally also Pentecost Sunday.  This is one of the major festival days of the church year, so we’ll be wearing red, have our children process with streamers and hear again that Pentecost story in several different languages.  This will also be the first weekend for our new director of music, Ryan Hostler!   So, be sure to be here to meet Ryan and give him a warm welcome.  He was going to begin with us the first of June, but we felt that Pentecost Sunday, with the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit, breathing God’s Life into the church, would be a good first weekend to have Ryan with us as he begins his work with us and a new day dawns for our music ministry. 


Among other things going on, mark your calendars and plan on joining us Wednesday, May 30, as Pastor Kevin Jacobson and Vicar Aretha will be our guests to tell us about the church in Suriname.   A lasagna dinner will be a part of this evening.  It all begins at 5pm in the church.  Please email us or sign the sheet in the narthex to let us know if you’re coming so we can plan the dinner.  


Finally, a little reflection on yesterday’s worship and sermon.  We celebrated the Ascension of our Lord.  After being with his disciples for those 3 or so years, Jesus was now about to leave them in the physical way he’d been with them.  But that had to happen so that what He began (ushering in the Kingdom of God, breathing Resurrection Life into God’s world) could now spread throughout the world, like leaven in the loaf.  And as he left, he was entrusting this Life Giving message to his disciples and all who would follow.  But he didn’t send them (and doesn’t send us) out alone.  He sent them with a promise that is still ours:  he gives us the power from on high, the Holy Spirit; he comes to us in his Word; washes us clean in Baptism; feeds us with himself at his table; and he promises to be with us to the end of the age.   Now what?  That’s what the history of the church has been, God’s people  just trying to figure it all out!  What that all means.  It’s an ongoing process.  There are no simple or simplistic answers to the challenges and complex issues of the day.  But we face them with hope, courage and faith, and not in fear, as we just try to figure it all out…together.   And there’s something freeing about being in that place, and living with God’s promises, as we continue to try to figure it out together. 


For the many other things going on at Our Savior, please visit our website at:


See you in church!      Pastor Jack Diehl +     







Sunday, May 13, 2012

Winding down/gearing up



From: Our Savior Lutheran Church
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 2:40 PM
To: Our Savior Lutheran Church
Subject: Winding down/gearing up


It’s that time of the year.  The school year and some of the activities around the congregation are winding down.   It was a wonderful “end of the Sunday School year/Mothers’ Day Celebration” with so many of the Sunday School families gathered in the Fellowship Hall.  Along with all kinds nice food (served to the Moms by their children) and recognitions of students and teachers for all their good work this past year, an article was handed out to the Moms entitled “Why I Make Sam Go To Church” written by a Mom.  The gist of what she said was, “I want to give him what I found, which is to say a path and a little light to see by.”  Copies of the article are available at church, or you might try going to    That’s what we are about.   Passing along to our children, and sharing with each other, the faith that has been passed along to us.  And along with that, in the words of Cray Little, this year’s voting member to our synod assembly, “fulfilling the spiritual needs of our congregation’s members.”  Those are some important things to be about. 


At the same time that school and Sunday School, some classes and other regular activities around the church are “winding down”, there is a lot of “gearing up” going on as well:  Day Camp, Confirmation Camp, a Youth Group Mission Trip, our Spring Congregational Congregational meeting, and the welcoming of our new music director, Ryan Hostler.   Here are some dates and activities related to those events:   


This Wednesday, May 16, Youth Group “Chili Cookoff” beginning at 6pm which will both help support this year’s Youth Group Mission Trip and celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Jimmy and Rhonda Smith going to Wartburg Seminary for Youth Ministry Certification School.  All are welcome and invited to come by, celebrate and enjoy some wonderful chili and cornbread, among other things. 


Our Day Camp for children entering 1st thru 8th grades is filling up (June 18-22).  Be sure to get your reservation in.  It’s the best camp and the best deal in town! 


Next Sunday, May 20 is our annual Spring Congregational meeting where we elect new Council Members (a big group this year!) as well as share an update on our Building Project (which includes “moving out of the church” in July for a while).  Come and hear the latest and how you can help.  Also next weekend, May 19-20, we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord, as the Easter season comes to a close, and present scholarships to a number of our young people who are either graduating from High School or already in college.  On top of that, the Blood Mobile will also be in the church parking lot that weekend.  So, plan on rolling up your sleeve and visiting the Blood Mobile before or after church to donate some blood.  Whew!  How’s that for a full weekend!


The following weekend, May 26-27, Memorial Day Weekend, we celebrate Pentecost, the coming of the Spirit to the early church and the ongoing work of the Spirit in the church today!   We also celebrate on that weekend the installation of our new director of music, Ryan Hostler!   Lots to celebrate!   That is also the weekend when we begin our summer schedule with worship at 6pm on Saturday and one service only on Sunday at 9:30am.   So, mark your calendars!


One more “gearing up” is for a  dinner and program on Wednesday May 30 beginning at 5pm.  Pastor Kevin Jacobsen, our missionary in Suriname, will be here to tell us about the work of the Lutheran Church in Suriname and share a lasagna dinner with us, along with some Suriname food.  Please reply to this email to sign up or sign up on the sheet in the lobby at church or call the church office if you can join us. 


Ahhh….winding down and gearing up….a part of the rhythm of life!  May all of your “winding downs” and “gearing ups” be done in the Light of the Resurrection and as you live out your identity as Easter people.  There is no higher or holier calling than that…in whatever setting you find yourself.


For other information about life at Our Savior, see our website at:   


See you in church!     Pastor Jack Diehl +







Friday, May 11, 2012




We have a lot of great things going on with our youth group!  They are trying to raise money for their mission trip and they are working hard to do it!



Parents night out from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm-  $10 per child donation to the youth group

Drop your little ones off at the nursery!  They will have a great time with our youth!


THIS COMING WEDNESDAY NIGHT, MAY 16, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

10 years of youth ministry at Our Savior celebration!

This celebration will be in the form of a chili cook off! 

You can enter the cook off and show off your culinary skills, or you can come sample some amazing chili!

To enter or for more information, call Karen Reed at 516-312-8749


So come on out, and be a part of what our awesome youth are up to!


Gretchen Jones

Office Administrator

Monday, May 7, 2012

Hopeful about the future

This past weekend the Florida Bahamas Synod met for its annual assembly in Orlando.   As a part of the opening service on Friday evening, there was an ordination.  Being there for that service brought me back 7 years to the last ordination at a synod assembly.  (Ordinations don’t usually happen at assemblies…only in special circumstances.)  This past Friday the pastor ordained was to a Hispanic ministry in Miami.  Seven years ago the pastor ordained was to a ministry in Haiti.   I remember being at that ordination and thinking, “What a fine young pastor, and what a gift to the church!”  Little did I know then that we would be so blessed to have that  fine young pastor serving here at Our Savior a couple of years later!  It was Pastor Shelly whom I didn’t even know back then.  Being at the ordination last Friday brought those memories back, and the hope that came with seeing the next generation, with their special gifts, becoming leaders in the church. 


Then, along with those memories and feelings welling up inside,  I watched and listened to the beautiful music from the young musician who was playing for the opening communion service this past Friday evening.    He had also been one of the key planners for the worship, the liturgies, and the music that would be used throughout the assembly.  Seeing him also gave me a sense of hope and peace about the future of the church…as another young person (early 30s), with his many gifts, was now a key leader in the church.  The difference this time is that I had already met this person, and rather than in a couple of years, in a couple of weeks (!) this young gift to the church will begin serving here at Our Savior as our director of music!   His name is Ryan Hostler.  Last Fall, during our search process for a new director of music/organist, Ryan came here to lead worship one weekend.  He was so well received by our search team, the choir members and bell ringers he worked with, among others, that he was offered the position.   Due to previous commitments at his present congregation (Lamb of God Lutheran Church in Haines City) and at the Episcopal School in Tampa where he was also teaching, he wouldn’t be able to join us til the end of this month.  But now that those commitments have been met, Ryan will be moving here in a couple of weeks and his first Sunday will be May 27th, Pentecost Sunday, Memorial Day weekend!


Seeing young, bright, gifted people like Pastor Shelly and Ryan rising up as leaders in the church fills me with such hope and peace about the future of the church.  We are living in an age when churches and our culture are facing challenges and issues like never before.   But we know and trust that God knows what those challenges and issues are, and that God will raise up the right people to lead the church through times like these and into the future:  people like Pastor Shelly, and Ryan, and our own Bonnie Lanyi, and the many gifted members of our Youth Group who are already “being the church” in so many ways.   This all gives me hope, and a peace that passes human understanding, about the future.


And speaking of the future!   Here are a few “coming up” items for you to be aware of:  


First, re: our Youth:  In preparation for this summer’s Mission Trip, the Youth Group is offering childcare here at the church every Friday night from 6 – 10pm for a donation of $10 per child.   It’s a win/win situation for everyone!


This coming Saturday, May 12, there will be Chamber Concert “Of Birds and Fairytales” at 3pm at Our Savior, with members of the Space Coast Orchestra.  Sounds like a nice early Mother’s Day treat!  Tickets are $10, students 18 and under are free.


Looking ahead, there will be a Blood Drive at Our Savior on Sunday May 20th from 8am til 1pm in the Bloodmobile which will be here in our parking lot.  Also, on May 20 at 9:45am there will be our annual Spring Congregational Meeting at which time new members will be elected to the Church Council along with other updates and business.  Please plan on attending.


Then on Memorial Day weekend, May 26-27 we move to our summer schedule with worship on Saturday at 6pm and Sunday, one service only at 9:30am!     That is also Pentecost Sunday and the installation of our new music director Ryan Hostler!  So, please mark your calendars and plan on joining us that weekend!


On Wednesday, May 30, Pastor Jacobson, our missionary in Suriname, and a very nice young intern, (whom I just met at the assembly, but I can’t remember her name off hand) will be joining us to tell us about the work of the church in Suriname.  The program will begin at 5pm followed by a potluck dinner which will include some “Suriname” food!  Mark your calendars and plan on joining us!


Now, as this week unfolds, thinking of yesterday’s Gospel reading, may you be a healthy branch of the Vine, and may you bear good fruit wherever God has planted you!       See you in church.    Pastor Jack Diehl +