Monday, July 29, 2013

How Much is Enough?

July 29, 2013


This morning on the radio I heard about a kind of crisis in Miami Beach.  Historic homes, (multi-million dollar homes by the way) are being bought up to be torn down and replaced with

"Mc Mansions"....even bigger more multi-million dollar homes!  Don't get me wrong...I'm glad for all the construction workers and related businesses (the car dealers to fill the 5 car garages, and other stores needed to fill the 20,000 sq. ft. house, eg.).   But it does raise the question:

How much is enough?    


Hearing this seemed to stand in such contrast to what we gathered around in worship yesterday, as "prayer" was a common thread and how we are called into a loving, trusting relationship with God as Father, before whom we can bring all our needs, and cares, and thanks.  And be whole.  What a gift and privilege this is!  


Now, back to the Miami story, this coming weekend one of the modern day maladies we will have before us is what's been called "Affluenza".  It's a new word, but a very old concept, which our Scripture readings will address...and offer a cure for in fact!   Which is really a good thing, because this is something that can infect anyone.  


In the meantime, may your week be filled with prayer, as you knock, seek, ask and be open to what God, our gracious Father, desires for you and your life.  


See you in church!     Pastor Jack Diehl +




Weekly Devotions and Prayers: Taking Home Faith  
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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Monday, July 22, 2013

Mary, Martha, or Both......

July 22, 2013

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If a boy can be named Sue (remember the Johnny Cash song?) can a man be a Mary or a Martha?  We talked a little about that at our Men's breakfast this morning, referring to yesterday's Gospel about sisters: Mary (who stopped what she was doing to sit at Jesus' feet and listen) and Martha, (who was busy preparing a meal for their guest, Jesus).  


I remember hearing the founder of Habitat for Humanity, Millard Fuller, saying that men often need to DO something to live out their spirituality.  Contemplation and listening are great gifts, and important, but some, men especially, are wired to needing to put their spirituality to work in a tangible way.  Helping a family build a house is one of the ways that happens.  Our Gardening Angels on Tuesday morning is also a way to live that out.   


Both of those things are important:  listening to God, like Mary, and doing, serving God, like Martha.  To have a good balance of those is truly life giving. To have neither, is death dealing.  How, where or when do you live out those two things in your life?


Looking ahead to this coming weekend our readings will take us another step along that path, as we hear Jesus' disciples say to Jesus,  "Lord, teach us to pray."   Think about that, if you've ever had a hard time praying or wondered if your prayers are heard or wondered what praying is all about.  If Jesus' disciples, who had been with Jesus for at least a couple of years at that point, didn't know how to pray, there's some comfort there for us when we have a hard time praying.


Finally, I have to say a word of welcome and thanks to the "Inter-generational Family Choir" from this past Sunday.  You were great and shared not only a beautiful anthem, but also helped lead the liturgy!  

How wonderful to see that whole side of the church filled with singers (38 strong!) from 6 to 97 years old, one family had 3 generations there!

 August 18 will be the next time this group meets.  Plan on joining them!  


For other info about Our Savior, please visit    

See you in church!  Pastor Jack +


Summer Ushers Needed!
at the 9:30 service.   
No experience needed, summer is a great
time to usher for the first time. 
Weekly Devotions and Prayers: Taking Home Faith  
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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Monday, July 15, 2013

"The best of times; the worst of times".

July 15, 2013




Our Savior Logo "The best of times; the worst of times".....   


Those words could have described this past weekend.  Whether we wanted to hear about it or not, the Zimmerman trial was in front of us.  No matter what the verdict ended up being, the whole situation reflected some dark problems that permeate our culture and world today:  polarization, racism, violence, incivility.  The whole situation has been, since the beginning, disturbing and depressing.  The worst of times.  All so sad.  What is the answer?     With the verdict finally given, what next?   In fact, that's what the headlines on Sunday's paper read:  "He's free.  Now what?"  What happened was a combination of, and has contributed to, the polarization, racism, violence and incivility that all seems to rule the day.  


But we gathered to worship today, something very different was happening.  There was another Word which permeated that time and place where we were.  It was a Word spoken, a Word offered in the waters of Baptism as we celebrated the Baptism of Bradley James Rahjes, a Word given in bread and wine.  A Word which alone can overcome the polarization, racism, violence and incivility that surround us.  It is a Word of grace, mercy, forgiveness, love.  It's a Word that calls us to be a neighbor to those in need, because WE are those who have been in the ditch and in need.  And for us, Jesus didn't pass by, but crossed the road to bind up our wounds and make us whole.  The best of times!


For me, there was a huge difference in how I felt, and what the world looked like, between when I first arrived at church, and when I left.  For while there, I heard that other Word and was surrounded by others, young and old, white and black, male and female, who also hear and live by that Word of Life, which is stronger than all those other forces which hurt and destroy us.  And it's that other Word which gives us hope, and strength and courage to live differently, and not be overcome by the darkness that surrounds us.  I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday morning (or Saturday evening), and was so grateful to be home again on this particular weekend, after our 3 week vacation.  


Looking ahead to next weekend, our "Summer Intergenerational Choir" will be singing again at worship.  This choir is made up of anyone who comes at 8:30am to work on a piece that will be sung at our 9:30am service.  Last month, the choir was made up of members from 7 to 97 years old...and it sounded great!  How about you being a part of it this coming weekend!?  

This is just another way to hear and celebrate that Word of Life which we so desperately need to hear, and which can turn the worst of times into the best of times.   


See you in church.    Pastor Jack + 

Weekly Devotions and Prayers: Taking Home Faith  
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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Folk Music Concert this Friday at Our Savior!





Dear Friends,


I wanted to alert you to a special concert that is taking place this Friday at Our Savior, 7:oo p.m.  We received a call this week about hosting the concert at the last minute and are happy to work together with the Matt Stott and the Orchestra program of Vero Beach High School in doing so.  The information below will tell you about this awesome FREE concert with students taught by one of the best folk musicians in the world. 



Hope to see you at the concert!
Ryan Hostler, Minister of Music, MACM


The Mike Block String Camp Advanced Extension will present a free public concert on Friday, July 12, at 7:00 PM, at Our Savior Lutheran Church.


The highly entertaining concert will include twenty-five advanced students and professional musicians from around the world performing in small ensembles of three-to-five members along with a faculty artist. 


The Mike Block String Camp has brought faculty from around the United States to work with local students along with musicians from around the United States and world for two weeks.  The faculty: Mike Block, Brittany Haas, Hanneke Cassel, Rushad Eggleston, Zach Brock, Victor Lin, and Kai Welch are performing artists who specialize in a variety of musical traditions; folk, Appalachian fiddle, jazz, blues and Scottish fiddle. 


Block is most famous for playing second cello alongside Yo-Yo Ma. He performed in Mark O'Connor's Appalachia Waltz trio for three years. His performances have been described as "vital, rich-hued solo playing" by the New York Times, and "a true artist ... a sight to behold" by the Salt Lake City Deseret News


Last week, sixty-five students, aged seven to seventy studied with the faculty.  This week, the camp is limited to twenty-five advanced students and professionals, including three Vero Beach residents.  Musicians have traveled from as far away as Australia, New Zealand, Poland, Japan, Korea, and England to Vero Beach for this opportunity.     






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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Monday, July 8, 2013

Forget that Scout's motto you learned. . .

July 8, 2013




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Well, don't really forget the Scouts motto, but as we heard in worship yesterday and from Seminarian Bonnie Lanyi's sermon that when Jesus sent the disciples out with no purse, no bag, and no sandals, it was not a lesson in "being un-prepared" but a reminder of putting our trust and dependency in God. And that is a fitting reminder especially in this week in which we will celebrate two baptisms. Kersti Lynn Anne Stalqvist was baptized on Saturday night and this coming Sunday little Bradley James Rahjes will be baptized at the 8:30am worship service. As Bonnie reminded us, "the number one thing that a baby is learning is trust." And in baptism God welcomes us into a life-long relationship of trusting in him. And it is through that relationship that we are able to extend that trust to others.

So trusting in the Lord God we go about our daily lives. In the summer that seems to bring a lot of coming and going for many people. Each week many people are heading out or coming back from vacations or visits. This week we are glad to welcome back both Pastor Jack and Minister of Music Ryan Hostler. Pastor Jack and his wife Karen have been away visiting his kids and grandkids and enjoying a relaxed road trip along the way. Ryan spent the week at the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (Ryan also serves on the board for ALCM) Conference at Valparaiso University. A wonderful experience of worship, hymn festivals, workshops and studying by over 500 Pan-Lutheran church musicians. A highlight was the Hymn Festival lead by the National Lutheran Choir, Ryan shared the picture below taken at the service.
ALCM Hymn Festival 
Have a great week. Trust in God!

Pastor Shelly +    




Memorial ServicesCross
A Memorial Service will be held for The Reverend
Donald "Stoney" Stonesifer on Wednesday, July 10th
at 10:30am, at the church. A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall. 

A Memorial Service will be held for Linda Fox, former Director of Music, at Our Savior Lutheran. The service will be Saturday, July 13th, at 11:00am. A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall.
Weekly Devotions and Prayers: Taking Home Faith  
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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960