Monday, March 1, 2010

For the entire month of March we will be journeying through Lent, which began on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17 and ends on Easter Sunday, April 4. So, what does that look like at Our Savior? In addition to our regular worship schedule of Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 8:30 and 11am, there will be midweek Wednesday Lenten services at 11am & 7pm. The midday service is followed by lunch and the evening service is preceded by a soup & salad
supper at 6pm.

These services and the meals are wonderful times to gather together for some of the "Four Keys for Practicing Faith": 1. Caring conversations; 2. Devotions; 3. Service and 4. Rituals and Traditions. (You'll be hearing more of this language as a result of our Jan. 23 workshop with Pastor Hill.)

But for now, what these mid week services and meals offer are places for caring conversations, which take place at and around the meals provided during this season. In these settings we are able to get caught up on each others lives and share both our joys and sorrows.

The worship then provides a place for devotion as we sing, pray and hear God's Word together. The theme for these services will be "Overheard Conversations by the Cross" as we listen in on conversations that may have taken place between different people who were there during Jesus' last days.

Between the meals provided and the conversations overheard, many members of Our Savior will be providing some wonderful service to us all. (If you'd like to be a part of helping with any of this, talk to one of the pastors.)

There are also some rituals and traditions which will continue for our evening worship. The setting on Wednesday evenings will be Holden Evening Prayer which is becoming a much loved tradition here at Our Savior.

So, as this season unfolds, I hope you can join us on this Lenten journey. This is the bread that feeds our souls and the spiritual exercise that makes our faith strong.

See you in church!
Pastor A.C.'Jack' Diehl III