Monday, March 2, 2009

Staying Connected and Being Green

Staying connected. This is such an important part of maintaining relationships. It's easy to drift apart without any real animosity or negative intentions. Family members find themselves in this situation. Friends find themselves there. We find ourselves in that situation in our relationship with God. Someone once said, if you feel God is far away, you might want to ask yourself, “Who moved?" Staying connected is not automatic. It takes some effort and determination to make that happen.

One of the ways we work to maintain our relationship with God and each other is through communication. This newsletter is one of those means of communicating. For years, monthly church newsletters have been used to help members stay connected and informed about their local family of faith.

Today, another major means of communicating is via computers and the Internet. With that development, some churches have discontinued mailing a monthly newsletter totally, using only an "electronic" newsletter. For us, in the interest of "going green", and using less paper, postage and fuel to deliver hard copy newsletters, we are offering the option of reading our newsletter on line. To do this, a person can simply go to our website ( and click on "newsletter". If you would be willing to be a part of the "green team" and receive your newsletter this way, please call (772-567-2253) or email ( the church office and let us know. This will be not only a savings for the church, but just one more way to be a good steward of the environment.

At the same time, if you would like to keep receiving this newsletter in a hard copy form, that is fine also, and we'll be glad to keep you on the mailing list.

Thank you very much for considering this step in "going green" and helping us be good stewards of what God has given us.

Keeping in touch,

Pastor Jack Diehl

OSL E-News March 2, 2009

Now that we've entered the first full week of our Lenten journey, our mid week meals and services are beginning. On Wednesdays, we worship at 11:00 AM followed by a lunch in the Fellowship Hall, and we have a dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by worship at 7:00 PM. In these mid-week Lenten services, we will resume our "Conversations Under the Cross" as we did last year, with the theme this year being "Sharing our Stories about Scripture". This is in conjunction with the "Book of Faith" initiative in our synod and throughout the ELCA, as we share how this "Book of Faith", the Bible, has shaped and continues to shape our lives. The worship setting for the 11:00 AM service will be "Responsive Prayer/Suffrages" in the ELW, and for the 7:00 PM service, the beautiful, musical "Holden Evening Prayer".

This coming Saturday, March 7, the Care Net Pregnancy Center of Indian River County "Bridges to Life" Walk will be held at Riverside Park. Registration is at 9:00 AM. A number of folks from Our Savior will be walking. If you would like to join them, or could make a donation to support this local Christian ministry, call Bonnie Lanyi, our parish nurse, at 567-2253. CareNet provides pregnancy tests, ultrasound, abstinence programs, social service referrals, clothing, furniture and food to individuals and families in crisis.

Finally, don't forget to "spring forward" one hour with your clocks Saturday night! Daylight savings time begins this coming weekend! If you forget to change your clocks, this is the one where you'll wonder why the parking lot is full and everyone is already in church, and when you get in you'll find everyone singing the closing hymn. Will you be that one this year? Every year it's somebody!

For other latest information about Our Savior, visit our website at:

As this week unfolds, may God bless you on your Lenten journey, and especially in those wilderness places. Remember, the wilderness is not meant to crush us or discourage us or only to punish us. God meets us in the wilderness to turn it into a training ground, a place of testing, a place where God wants to care for us and strengthen us for life's journey. See you in church.

Your fellow traveler on our Lenten journey,

Pastor Jack Diehl