Monday, October 28, 2013

Are You Seeing Red?

October 28, 2013





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"Seeing Red" usually has a negative connotation but this past weekend it was anything but that.  The church was filled with red (symbol of the fire and working of the Holy Spirit) as we gathered to celebrate Reformation Sunday which included a baptism and the confirmation of 5 of our young people.    And what a great celebration it was!  For what we celebrated was, along with those things listed, the fact that God continues to be at work among us, renewing and re-forming his people, his church and the world.  That's the fulfillment of the promise God made in our reading from the prophet Jeremiah "I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.  I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts: and I will be their God and they shall be my people...and they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest."  On Sunday evening I got a humorous glimpse of the unfolding of that promise at the "Fantasies and Fugues" concert, as Dr. Dan Kroger, the Cantor from Holy Cross Catholic Church greeted me with a smile and said, "Thanks for having us here on Reformation Day!"   Ahhh....all God's people coming together, to celebrate together. 
Confirmation Sunday

This coming weekend (always following Reformation Day) is All Saints Sunday.  This is always a meaningful and moving service as we light candles and remember all the saints who have gone on before us since All Saints Day last year, as well as remembering other loved ones.  It's also a time to hear again the promise of Eternal Life which is ours through Jesus' Resurrection.  


As this week unfolds, the celebration continues with our Wednesday supper, which will have an "Oktoberfest" feel.  On the menu is brats and kraut among other things, and maybe even a polka or two.   Should be fun!   Also that evening, the Youth Group will be having a Halloween party during their regular meeting time beginning at 6:30. 


Looking a bit farther down the road, Saturday Nov. 23 is our Annual Bazaar Bake Sale.  So, attention all bakers and candy makers!  It would be much appreciated if you could bring something for the bake sale, and plan to drop it off before 5pm on Friday Nov. 22.   Also, if you'd like to get in on some of the craft making, join the ladies any Thursday at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall.  


On Saturday Nov. 9, attention all yard sale aficionados,  from 7am til 1pm, our sister congregation, Christ the King Lutheran Church in Sebastian (1301 Sebastian Blvd), will be holding a Fall Yard Sale Festival.  (And since our former parish nurse, Bonnie Lanyi is now an intern in that congregation, Free Blood Pressure checks will be offered!  What a coincidence!)  Half of the proceeds go the Ecumenical Food Pantry in Sebastian.


Have a blessed week, and always be grateful!     Pastor Jack Diehl +

God has made into saints all who have been baptized into Christ, and on the festival of All Saints Day we honor especially those saints who have died in the faith. Their names may be unknown and their lives generally forgotten, but we sing our thanks that they are now held in God. Come this Sunday and sing those praises and remembrances.
Weekly Devotions and Prayers: Taking Home Faith  
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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Monday, October 21, 2013

Knock Knock...who's there......

October 21, 2013





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Knock knock...who's there?   This past weekend, the "who's there" was a persistent widow who wore out a judge who finally, and reluctantly granted her justice...mostly just to get rid of her!  The point was, how much more will God, who loves us (!) listen when we knock on His door!?   So, we can and should, and are in fact, invited to "pray always and not to lose heart".  What a gift that is!  If you missed the Sermon or the Children's Choir click on those links.


This coming weekend, we get to celebrate more gracious gifts from God as we come to the first festival after the long "green season" (the Sundays after Pentecost) in the church year, Reformation Sunday!   On Reformation Sunday (and Saturday) we celebrate the heart of our faith, the Gospel of Christ--the Good News---that makes us free and makes us new!  We also will be celebrating a Baptism at the 8:30 service and the Confirmation of several of our young people at the 11am service.  So, plan on joining us for this special weekend of celebration, AND WEAR RED!  :-)  


Speaking of a Baptism and young people, the following is an article written by a Lutheran pastor's wife in Colorado about kids in church.  This is a great read for anyone and everyone by Jamie Brusehoff:


You are doing something really, really important. I know it's not easy. I see you with your arms overflowing, and I know you came to church already tired. Parenting is tiring. Really tiring.


I watch you bounce and sway trying to keep the baby quiet, juggling the infant car seat and the diaper bag as you find a seat. I see you wince as your child cries. I see you anxiously pull things out of your bag of tricks to try to quiet them.


And I see you with your toddler and your preschooler. I watch you cringe when your little girl asks an innocent question in a voice that might not be an inside voice let alone a church whisper. I hear the exasperation in your voice as you beg your child to just sit, to be quiet as you feel everyone's eyes on you. Not everyone is looking, but I know it feels that way.


I know you're wondering, is this worth it? Why do I bother? I know you often leave church more exhausted than fulfilled. But what you are doing is so important.  When you are here, the church is filled with a joyful noise. When you are here, the Body of Christ is more fully present. When you are here, we are reminded that this worship thing we do isn't about bible study or personal, quiet contemplation but coming together to worship as a community where all are welcome, where we share in the Word and Sacrament together. When you are here, I have hope that these pews won't be empty in 10 years when your kids are old enough to sit quietly and behave in worship. I know that they are learning how and why we worship now, before it's too late. They are learning that worship is important.


I see them learning. In the midst of the cries, whines, and giggles, in the midst of the crinkling of pretzel bags and the growing pile of crumbs, I see a little girl who insists on going two pews up to share peace with someone she's never met. I hear a little boy slurping (quite loudly) every last drop of his communion wine out of the cup, determined not to miss a drop of Jesus. I watch a child excitedly color a cross and point to the one in the front of the sanctuary. I hear the echos of "Amens" just a few seconds after the rest of the community says it together. I watch a boy just learning to read try to sound out the words in the worship book or count his way to Hymn 672. Even on weeks when I can't see my own children learning because, well, it's one of those mornings, I can see your children learning.


I know how hard it is to do what you're doing, but I want you to know it matters. It matters to me. It matters to my children to not be alone in the pew. It matters to the congregation to know that families care about faith, to see young people... and even on those weeks when you can't see the little moments, it matters to your children.


It matters that they learn that worship is what we do as a community of faith, that everyone is welcome, that their worship matters. When we teach children that their worship matters, we teach them that they are enough right here and right now as members of the church community. They don't need to wait until they can believe, pray or worship a certain way to be welcome here, and I know adults who are still looking to be shown that. It matters that children learn that they are an integral part of this church, that their prayers, their songs, and even their badly (or perfectly-timed, depending on who you ask) cries and whines are a joyful noise because it means they are present.


I know it's hard, but thank you for what you do when you bring your children to church. Please know that your family -- with all of its noise, struggle, commotion, and joy -- are not simply tolerated, you are a vital part of the community gathered in worship. AMEN!



As this season unfolds, please check our website ( for more activities and ways to be connected and involved in the life of Our Savior.   You can also check out a neat gallery of our annual Pet Blessing this past week! 


See you in church!   Pastor Jack Diehl +

Over the centuries, Lutherans have kept a special day to thank God for the freedom that the word of God grants to believers and to pray that with the help of God's Spirit, the church will be continually reformed and renewed. You are invited to worship with us on this Reformation Day, in praise and petition to God for the on-going health of the church.
Weekly Devotions and Prayers: Taking Home Faith  
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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Monday, October 14, 2013

"Give Thanks With a Greatful Heart...."

October 14, 2013





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We are all blessed in so many ways...but.   Does that make us whole and well?   In this past Sunday's Gospel reading we heard about the 10 lepers who were blessed in a huge way, by Jesus healing them and making them clean.  But only the one, who returned to praise and thank God for the gift, was declared well, whole.  We can go throughout life enjoying many blessings, maybe even taking them for granted, or worse yet thinking we've deserved them in some way or another.  But without recognizing the Giver of all gifts and without returning our thanks and praise, we will never really be whole or well.  What can you be thankful for today and this week?  When we start to be grateful for our blessings, life takes on a whole new and wonderful look.  That even changes how we see our failings and things that don't seem like opportunities for God to work in a new way in our lives.  


Speaking of giving thanks...the following is a note of thanks from our parish nurse, Bonnie Lanyi.  She has been our parish nurse for the past 8 years.  At the same time, for the past 4 years Bonnie has been a seminarian at Luther seminary, via a "distance learning" program, which she has been able to do from here in Vero Beach, with a couple of trips a year up to Luther Seminary in St. Paul MN.  At this time, as a part of her journey to becoming a pastor, she will be entering her internship at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Sebastian, leading up to her graduation in May of 2015.  Because of that, she will no long be able to serve as our parish nurse.  The past weekend Bonnie was with us at all 3 services as we thanked her for her ministry with us, and now send her off with our blessing as she enters this new part of her journey.  God bless you Bonnie!  Following is a word from Bonnie:



Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,


Many, many sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart for the outpouring of love, support and encouragement. You have touched me deeply. I have been so blessed to serve in ministry with you all. The people of this church share the fruits of the Holy Spirit so freely. God is so obviously at work through so many people here and in so many ways. I am so very grateful to have been a part of this ministry. Thank you so much!         +with much love and appreciation,     Bonnie


Due to Bonnie's great work with our Parish Health Ministry Team our Parish Nurse Program will continue to be a wonderful part of the ministry of Our Savior.  The team continues with David Young coordinating our Eucharistic ministers, and Rachel Little who will now be stepping into Bonnie's role.  Many thanks to all who so faithfully keep this going!


Now a couple of misc. notes:  This Wednesday at 5:30pm we will have our annual "Blessing of the Animals", in commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi.  This is always a happy time of giving thanks to God for those wonderful creatures in our lives, who are so often channels of unconditional love to us.  We meet this year outside in the Memorial Garden, followed by a hamburger and hotdog picnic supper at 6pm. There will be seating both inside and outside, where your pets are welcome to accompany you to supper!


A light at the end of the tunnel...the new covered walkways are scheduled to be installed beginning Monday Oct. 28!  Thanks for putting up with all the construction messiness in the meantime. Looking ahead to this coming Saturday, Oct. 19, there will be a Cystic Fibrosis Walk at Royal Palm Pointe Park.  Check in is at 8am, walk begins at 9pm.  Heather and Gene Reetz are walking in honor of their daughter, a CF patient.  If you would like to join them, call 772-234-2940.


Finally, this coming weekend new members will be received at all 3 services. Please be sure to offer them a warm Our Savior welcome!


For other information on the life and ministry of Our Savior, please check our website at:    


Have a blessed, and thankful week!    Gratefully,   Pastor Jack Diehl +

In the gospel for this coming Sunday, a widow so pesters an unjust judge that finally she gets the justice she seeks. We know in our world people like this widow who must plead and beg for justice. Come to worship, and join the assembly to pray to God for justice in the world.
Weekly Devotions and Prayers: Taking Home Faith  
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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960

Monday, October 7, 2013

What is the future of the church?

October 7, 2013





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What is the future of the church? For years we've heard and read about declining numbers of people going to church, people not interested, younger people aren't going, etc.  But seriously?


Yesterday we heard in Pastor Shelly's sermon about something that was in the news a couple months ago.  Four young men (baggie pants, sideways baseball cap, dreadlocks) went into a store, thinking it was open (someone had left the door unlocked and the lights were on).  After getting what they wanted they couldn't find any cashier, so they left enough money on the counter for the items they got.  They then went next door and told the people in that store that something didn't seem right, since no one was in the store they were just in.  What initially looked like a break-in were 4 young college age football players who simply did the right thing...and above and beyond!  As Pastor Shelly went on to say, due to the amazing response that story received, with those young men being guests on news shows and all, "It makes you think...Boy is our world hungry for people to do just a little bit more than what they ought, to go the extra mile sometimes, to upend our expectations of each other."   


Why would anyone do that...go above and more than just what we ought?  Well, maybe for starters, because there is One who did more...went above and beyond...for us!  And I'm sure that at least one, if not all of those 4 young football players who went in that store that night had some roots in the church!  That's the ongoing story that the church tells and lives out, about a God who came among us to make us into a people who would do what was expected and more...above and beyond!  That's a church that has a future. For that's a church that isn't interested in simply holding on to old prejudices or re-creating some kind of "glory days" of the 1950s.  The church of the future is a church that has a message that the world is hungry to hear, a message that is as old as antiquity, yet as new as this morning's sunrise; a church that passes along the faith of our fathers and mothers in the language of our children; a church that every day gathers around the table that the Master has set and is fed and strengthened to meet each new day and each new challenge with hope and courage.  That's a church I'm grateful to be a part of.


To hear some interesting and inspiring conversation about "The Future of the Church", tonight from 6:30-7:30 CDT (7:30-8:30 our time) you can click here and see live streaming, a conversation with Brian McLaren and Phyllis Tickle, two amazing leaders in the emerging church movement (and Phyllis is no kid...she's either pushing or pulling 80 years old!)   A number of us will be watching and look forward to some ongoing conversation with you down the road about this.


Now a couple things about both the present and future church!  Wednesday evening this week will be the final of our 3 meeting series for people interested in learning more about and/or becoming members of Our Savior.  We meet at 7pm in the Quiet Room off of the narthex.  But prior to that all are invited to our Wednesday evening supper which begins at 6pm (this week's menu includes Salisbury Steak and Mashed Potatoes!  Yumm!) These are great opportunities to get to know each other, and have a great meal besides!  


And finally, relating to both the present and the future of the church, "Why do you give $ to the church?"   This year we are asking you to share in a sentence or two, the answer to that question.  In November, we will be sending out a letter with your answers!  We won't put any names with the answers, but are sincerely interested in what you have to share.  So, please just reply to this email to give us your thoughts. Won't it be interesting to hear what each other has to say about this?


Now, have a good week............and maybe even surprise someone by going above and beyond.  After all, we have a God who went above and beyond for us!            


See you in church.   Pastor Jack Diehl + 

This coming Sunday the gospel reading is Jesus healing ten people of leprosy. Come to worship; join with these ancient people to pray for God's mercy; and in Christ join with the community of faith to be healed.
Weekly Devotions and Prayers: Taking Home Faith  
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Our Savior Lutheran Church | 1850 Sixth Ave. | Vero Beach | FL | 32960