Tuesday, December 1, 2009

This December/January newsletter brings us into the new church year. This is a wonderful time of the year beginning with a season of hope, anticipation and preparation: Advent (which began Nov. 29 this year). This is often a time when "the world" wants to simply jump right into Christmas (then toss Christmas out with the tree on December 26). Let this be a time to begin thinking about what it means that God would choose to come among us, to bring us his Light and Life, and what we need to do to be open to the great gift of the Christ Child. In our worship together during the four Sundays in Advent leading up to Christmas, we can keep our focus on what this season is about and what God has done and is doing among us, instead of just getting caught up in the commercialism and secularization of the season.

Then as the season unfolds, Christmas and Epiphany become celebrations of what it means that God is with us (Emmanuel) and that God's Light shines into our deepest darkness. Yes, we are entering a wonderful season, rich in images, symbols and celebrations. Let regular worship help shape this season for you, help you avoid the pitfalls of a secularized Christmas and help you keep close to the heart of it all.

See you in church!
Pastor Jack Diehl