Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas...continues!


 Happy 2nd Day of Christmas! (and Happy Birthday Pastor Shelly!)  As these 12 days of Christmas unfold, in the middle of all the comings and goings of the season, may you take time to "behold" and reflect on the Christ child and the meaning of God coming to be with us.  For this is the real and lasting source of Light, Love and a Peace that passes all understanding. 


Then, as 2011 comes to a close this coming weekend, (New Year's Eve, Saturday and New Year's Day, Sunday) come and worship at any of our regular worship services: Saturday 6pm, Sunday 8:30 and 11am.  (Sunday School will resume on January 8).  What better way to end one year and begin another than gathered around God's Word and Sacraments and sing


“For lo!  The days are hast’ning on, by prophets seen of old, when with the evercircling years shall come the time foretold, when peace shall over all the earth its ancient splendors fling, and all the world give back the song which now the angels sing.”  


May that peace be yours in these 12 days of Christmas and into the New Year!


See you in church.    Pastor A.C. 'Jack' Diehl III + 

Monday, December 19, 2011

"Occupy Church"


A big thank you to all who contributed to make worship so special this past weekend!   First, to our guitarist Ron Sample who led the music at our Saturday service, and to Sarah Lanyi, a member of our Youth Group who was “Mary” at both the Saturday and 8:30am Sunday services. That was a wonderful, meaningful portrayal.  Also, a big thank you to our Sunday School children and families and to Karen Diehl and Jennifer Hall leading and accompanying the children as they once again told us the Christmas story,  God’s plan to “occupy earth” through the Christ Child, to bring us Light, Love and God’s Peace that passes all understanding.  An added dimension which made the weekend all the more special was that little William Charles Nesper, who was baptized at our Saturday service, was our baby Jesus for the children’s program on Sunday.  So grateful for everyone’s participation.


Now, looking ahead, we will have two Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion services at 6pm and 9pm.  On Christmas Day there will be one service with Holy Communion at 11am followed by our Home Alone Christmas Dinner at noon.  If you would like to join us for that dinner you can reply to this email or call the church office at 772-567-2253 and we’ll save you a place.  This is our gift to the community.   Also, we need pies!   If you can donate a pie for our dinner, please bring pies by the church office on Wednesday or Thursday between the hours of 9am and 3pm  or around 3pm Friday, when the crew will be gathered to set up for the dinner.  If you’d like to help with the set up, you can stay and help with that as well!  Many hands make light work.  Many thanks. 


As I mentioned above, and as I mentioned in church this past weekend, the message of Christmas is that when God looked at the world he made and loves and saw things going wrong  (the abuse of power and wealth at the expense of the vulnerable, and the lack of love) God had a plan to turn that around that I like to call:  “Occupy Earth”.  That’s what Christmas was; God coming among us to set up camp among us by becoming one of us, so that we could become like him.  This is the wonderful, Life giving event which the world celebrates each year at this time.  One of the ways we can become a part of God’s plan to “occupy earth” is to “occupy church”!  While God can and does touch our lives and speak to us in many ways, when we “occupy church” we gather to hear that story again, to thank and praise God, to lay before God our needs in prayer, to receive God in the bread and wine.  By “occupying church” we are a witness to a world floundering in the darkness of God’s Life giving Light, and a support to those who gather to worship with us.  And what better time of the year than now to invite that friend or neighbor or family member to come and “occupy church” with you and to share in the celebration of Christmas!


Finally, our “Tree of Life” in the north end of the new lobby continues to grow.  Not all “leaves” are on the tree yet.  More are still in the works.  If your “leaf” isn’t there yet, it is still at the engraver or we don’t yet have your information.  But it is “growing” and unfolding as we speak.   Thanks to those of you who continue to help it grow.  It is definitely a living, growing tree and it’s never too late to add a leaf. 


See you in church!      Pastor Jack Diehl +





Monday, December 12, 2011

Basking in the Light

Dear People of Our Savior,  What a wonderful celebration yesterday for our 50th Anniversary and Dedication of our expanded building!  This morning at the Men's Breakfast Don Poust (one of our ushers yesterday) said they started to lose track after counting over 400 people in attendance.  It was wonderful having so many members plus friends and many of the workers who worked on our project, along with the Bishop and Bishop's assistant, all in attendance.  Even with the rain, the celebration continued in the Fellowship Hall and under the tent with a nice luncheon and lots of great conversation, laughs and remembrances.  And speaking of remembrances, at the end of this email is a letter of congratulations and some wonderful memories from "Vicar Dave", now Pastor Dave Keck from Hickory NC.  Pastor Keck was our first "Vicar" or "Intern" in 1994-1995, from Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary.  Since we didn't get to read his whole letter at our celebration, I thought you'd enjoy reading it all here.

Now, at the risk of missing anyone, let me here send out some BIG THANK YOUs to the following for this past weekend: 

Worship: Our musicians: Deacon Carol Olsen for directing our women's choir; Bobbi Johnson, cantor and all the other choir members; Dr. Ray Adams, organist; Sara Diehl Fletcher, oboist; Karen Diehl and Debbie Mozodlowski, handbells; Ron Sample, guitarist and leader for the other guitarists and Youth Group singing during the offering; Michael Hyde, our resident bagpiper who piped us in and then piped us back out of worship…awesome.  Also thanks to Bob Kapp, John and Pat VanDeusen, head ushers and their crew of ushers; to Katie Lindner, Linda Goodson and their Altar Guild crew who came in during the week to scrub down and clean all the pews and other woodwork in the church including the floors, and all others who added to a wonderful worship experience.

Anniversary Celebration:  As mentioned above, after worship, the celebration continued in the Fellowship Hall and under the big tent with a luncheon.  But first, along with that, a lot of folks hung around in the church before and after the luncheon watching the great 50th anniversary photo history which was Zac Barringer's Eagle Scout project.  How fun was that!  Thanks, Zac!  We're looking into getting it accessible on our website, and will let you know  Along with that, a big thanks to Michael Heinze and his Outreach Team who manned the tables where people could sign the posters if they were baptized, married, or confirmed here or if they had a memorial service for a loved one here at Our Savior. These posters will be available in the narthex for the next few weeks.  In fact, this coming Saturday we'll add the name of Wil Nesper to the Baptized list, as he the first baby baptized in our new narthex (but baptized at the same baptismal font that his Mom was baptized at over 20 years ago)!  Then, the next morning, he will be baby Jesus in our Sunday School Christmas program!  J  How's that for a special weekend for that family and all of us here at Our Savior!

But back to the luncheon, a huge thank you to the Bolinger family (Adam, Suzanne and Brittany) and to Linda Aiken for spearheading that whole event from the big picture to the smallest details.  Very, very nice and very impressive on all counts!  And thanks to their crew at the event, especially the whole Dritenbas family, all 5 of them, and Silas Weeks, who helped set up, serve and cleanup.  What great helpers and what a great spirit they all brought with them.

A big thank you also to Marianne Luethje and her crew (Carole Olsen, Gail Parker and Helena Pierson) for the 50th Anniversary Historical Booklet.  Whew.  What a job that was!   This is the best, most comprehensive history of Our Savior ever!  If you'd like one of the booklets, contact the church office. 

For a list of all the contractors and workers on our building expansion, that was in this past weekend's worship bulletin.  What a great job everyone did, and what a wonderful experience this was for all of us.  It was a lot of work, but when we see the results that we have, that makes it all worthwhile. 

Finally, I want to thank our whole staff (Pastor Shelly, Bonnie, Jimmy, Gretchen, Eleanor, Marilyn, Mo, Carol, and all our great office volunteers, "folding ladies" and "money honeys" for all the extra work that went along with the building program and the anniversary celebration.  This was all on top of the normal work of a congregation and the search for a new director of music!  It's been an extraordinary several months.  The fact that we are all still standing, enjoying each other's company and continuing to do what we are doing says that truly God's Light is shining on us...and we pray through us…in these holy, special days.   

Now, looking ahead, this coming weekend, Dec. 17-18 will be the 4th weekend in Advent and the last weekend before Christmas.  At the 11am service on Sunday the Sunday School children will be "telling us" the Christmas story.  The following weekend, our Christmas schedule is as follows:  Christmas Eve, Saturday Dec. 24, Candlelight Communion Services at 6pm and 9pm; Christmas Day, Sunday Dec. 25, Christmas Service, with communion at 11am followed by our Home Alone Christmas Dinner at noon.  Call the church office, or just reply to this email and we'll save a place for you.

For other information about life at Our Savior, please visit our website at  In these last two weeks of Advent, may the Light of the coming Christ Child shine upon you and through you in all of your comings and goings.   Now, below is the letter from "Vicar Dave".

Dear Pastor Diehl and Our Savior Lutheran Church,

 The peace of Christ be with you and Happy Anniversary! You are in my prayers as you celebrate 50 years of ministry, proclaiming the Gospel in Word and deed; 50 years of worshiping our Savior Jesus Christ; administering the Holy Sacraments of Baptism and Communion; singing to God above anthems, hymns of joy, grateful love, praise, blessing, hope and faith; 50 years of teaching the Bible, the old, old story of Jesus and his love; 50 years of welcoming the stranger and the snowbird; 50 years of building community, a family in the name of Our Savior; 50 years of serving the community; 50 years of raising children, youth, adults in faith; 50 years worth of marriages, funerals, Christmas Eve and Easter Sunrise services; 50 years of being GRACED by God; 50 years of confession and forgiveness by command and mercy of Jesus; 50 years of blessings outpoured by the Holy Spirit; 50 years of being led by the Spirit; 50 years of laughter, tears, celebrations, sorrows; 50 years of being stewards of the mysteries of God.

 On Sunday, December 11, the congregation that I serve will be celebrating too. We began a capital campaign at the end of 2007 to pay off existing debt as well as to renovate and restore our sanctuary (pews, lighting, flooring, audio/visual, heat/ac) and other building work. In addition we have tithed all the offerings that have been given and shared them semi-annually with several local ministries as well as some Lutheran ministries. We moved out of our sanctuary in June 2011 for the work to commence. We move back in the sanctuary this Sunday, December 11 and rededicate it to the glory of God. Thus I am not able to be present with you on your 50th celebration.

 I treasure the time I enjoyed at Our Savior and the blessings that you graced me with during my internship as Vicar Dave in 1994-1995. I learned a great deal from Pastor Jack and from ministry with Our Savior. Some of those remembrances are: the crucifix hanging above the front of the sanctuary; Evelyn Anderson gracefully giving the church and this new vicar her home for the year!; a sudden tornado north of town and Pastor Jacks whisking me away in his red Tracker to go visit victims; youth group gatherings every Sunday afternoon for games, Bible study, or beach time; hospital visits; key limes; Friday night dinners with Don and Lela Poust and Wil and Sylvia Coudriet; the hospitality of so many Our Savior members who invited me and my wife into your homes or out for a meal; peanut butter pie; fishing early one Friday morning with Pastor Jack; the wonderful stories of faith and traditions I heard from Lutherans of German, Scandinavian, New York, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania descent; Easter sunrise service at the columbarium; council meetings; the Gardening Angels; getting to preach on Sunday, December 25, Christmas Day like I will do again this year; Pastor Jack always being so wonderfully excited to welcome newcomers and old friends to worship; the choir in their blue robes and the festival of love songs near Valentines Day; Pastor Jack playing the accordion; Pastor Jack praying with me and for me; newsletter articles From Pastor Jacks Desk and Off the Vicars Wall; my Honda Civics engine troubles; the River Rat Ramble; manatees; early-bird specials; Pastor Jacks fantastic family: Karen, Sara, Andrew, Katie, and Anna; sunset walks on the beach with my bride Nina (we now have a 14 year old daughter Rachel and 11 year old son Robert); and there are many more special memories and mementoes of my one short year with you out of your 50 years.

 Keep on being Our Saviors people! Almighty God bless you now and forever.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week of Advent 2

From: Our Savior Lutheran Church
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 9:49 AM
To: Our Savior Lutheran Church
Subject: Week of Advent 2


For months, this is the week that we have been preparing for!  This coming Sunday, December 11 there will be only one service at 10am at which time we will dedicate our new addition and celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Our Savior Lutheran Church here in this community.  A lunch at noon follows for all who have previously sent in their reservations.  But even if you haven’t made a reservation for lunch, still plan on coming to the service at 10am and being a part of that celebration.  (There will still be a service on Saturday evening at 6pm also.)


Following the dedication/celebration service, and before the luncheon, there will be places throughout the church with posters for people to sign who have been baptized, confirmed and/or married at Our Savior, plus a place to light a candle and remember a loved one who’s memorial service was held here at Our Savior.  During this “tour the sanctuary” time a pictorial walk through our 50 years will be scrolling on the wall over the hymn board in the sanctuary.  This was an Eagle Scout Project by Zac Barringer as a part of our 50th Anniversary Celebration. 


In our new lobby, Swarovski Crystal Crosses will still be available, donated by the Swarovski family with 100 % of the proceeds to go to our building fund.  Plus, our commemorative 50th Anniversary ornaments will be available, designed by Arun Wijetilleke (the designer for the ever popular “Garden Club” ornaments, and yes, Dr. Wije’s wife J ).  The crosses and ornaments both make wonderful Christmas Gifts and also help support the building project here at Our Savior. 


Apart from these activities, here are a couple of other items:   


This Wednesday we will have our “last supper” at 6pm til after the holidays.  Stuffed Cabbage is on the menu.  The suppers will resume Wednesday January 4.


This coming Saturday, December 10, a “Painting Party” will be held at the Big Brothers Big Sisters new home at  1860 18th Ave., just west of the Freshman Learning Center.  Painting begins around 9am.  All equipment and paint will be provided.  Many hands make light work.  Call Allan Klotsche if you can help or if you have any questions: 234-0441.


If you’d like to provide a poinsettia for Christmas at Our Savior today is the deadline!  The cost is $10.  You can email us today (or tomorrow) with information re: it being in memory or in honor of someone.  We’ll just trust you to get the money in next time you’re in church.  J  The proceeds go to help support our scholarship fund.


For other happenings and our upcoming Christmas Schedule of services, stay tuned or check out our web site at:  


Finally, in the middle of all the comings and goings of this season, remember Pastor Shelly’s sermon from yesterday and be a sign of God’s peace in the middle of the “crazies”.    That may be one of the best witnesses to the coming “Prince of Peace” that we can offer…a peaceful presence with our families, friends and out among strangers.   Come, Lord Jesus, and give us that peace, especially in these days. 


See you in church!    Pastor Jack Diehl +


Monday, November 28, 2011

Advent Greetings!

A wonderful Thanksgiving weekend at Our Savior included the first Sunday in Advent and the beginning of a new church year.     First, many thanks to: Judy Kloski, our strong behind the scenes coordinator for the Home Alone Thanksgiving Dinner;  to Colleen Heagy, chief cook (and Thanksgiving Day “Cover Girl” on the Press Journal!); Linda and Ted Krieger,  on site hosts and coordinators; and all the wonderful volunteers who made this year’s Home Alone Thanksgiving Dinner a wonderful event for everyone.  We are very grateful for all of you.


Then in worship this past weekend we entered the season of Advent; a time of hope, promise, preparation and anticipation.  This is a wonderful, hopeful season of the year which is characterized in worship by the lighting of the Advent wreath at the beginning of each service by one of our families, the blue paraments, the singing of “O Come O Come Emmanuel” before the reading of the Gospel, the wreaths in the church, and more.  This was also likely the last weekend of having to come into the church through the side doors!  Hopefully, this coming weekend we will be able to use the new main entrance! 


Then looking ahead just a little, on Sunday December 11 we will have only one service at 10am, which will include a dedication of our new narthex, lobby, and bell tower and a celebration of Our Savior’s 50th Anniversary!  Following the service there will be a 50th Anniversary Luncheon.  Reservations for the luncheon need to be in by this Wednesday, Nov. 30!   Cost is $15 per person or $25 per household.


While that will be a big weekend, for anyone available, there will be a “painting party” at “The Little House” on Saturday, Dec.10 beginning around 9am.   This is a house being renovated for Big Brothers Big Sisters at 1850 18th Ave., just west of the Freshman Learning Center.  Paint and equipment are all there.  Your help would be much appreciated.  Call Allan Klotsche for more information at 234-0441.


This week our Wednesday supper menu will include Italian Sausage with onions and pepper.  The suppers are held each Wednesday at 6pm, with a break for the holidays.  Watch for more details.


Finally, at this time of the year we have a lot more folks worshiping with us, some for a short time, some for the season.  Please make the extra effort to be a welcoming presence to those around you.  The world can often be a harsh and unwelcoming place.  A welcoming word at worship to your neighbor can sometimes say as much (or maybe even more) than the sermon!  God’s work; our (welcoming) hands. 


As this season unfolds, in the middle of all of the comings and goings, may your days be filled with hope, peace and joy in the promised coming of our Lord.  


See you in church.    Pastor Jack Diehl +



Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Week...and some righteous indignation at the end of this email!

From: Our Savior Lutheran Church
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 12:18 PM
To: Our Savior Lutheran Church
Subject: Happy Thanksgiving Week...and some righteous indignation at the end of this email!


First, a big THANK YOU to all who were a part of our annual Bazaar/Health Fair this past weekend!  Our parish nurse/seminarian Bonnie Lanyi wanted to make sure to send out this “Thank You” to everyone, but I first want to extend my thanks to HER!   She did an amazing job coordinating so much of the weekend, from table layouts, set up and clean up, to lining up people for blood pressure and blood sugar checks, flu shots, “ask the pharmacist”, “ask the dietician”, etc.  So, many thanks to Bonnie for all of that, and also to all of those who made it a great event: including all the Health Fair people mentioned above along with the “Crafty Ladies”, those who contributed to the bake sale, the kitchen crew, our “hospitality” crew and more.  Such a pleasant morning!   Lots to be thankful for!


Youth Group on Thanksgiving Eve will include a trip to see “The Muppet Movie”.  Contact our Youth leader (794-0746) Jimmy Smith for more info.


On Wednesday around 2pm preparations for our Thanksgiving Home Alone dinner will continue (some of the prep has already begun!)   Potatoes will be pealed, and the tables will be set up and decorated.   This is all a great part of our Thanksgiving celebration. 


Thanksgiving Day will begin with a Thanksgiving Service in the church at 11am, followed by our “Home Alone” Thanksgiving Dinner at noon.  Many years ago, Our Savior was one of the first places in our community to offer a Thanksgiving Dinner, on Thanksgiving Day for anyone who would otherwise be “Home Alone”.   With families scattered and schedules as they are today, it’s likely that not everyone can get together on Thanksgiving (or Christmas).  That is why we have these “Home Alone” meals.  They are our gift to the community.  There is no charge for the dinners nor is there even an offering taken.  It’s pure grace.  J


Now, here’s my righteous indignation.  I’m afraid Thanksgiving is soon going to be thought of as only a prelude to “Black Friday”.  That seems to be where our culture is moving more and more.  “Black Friday” (so named, because it helps our retail businesses get “in the black”, from what I understand) used to start Friday morning, after a day of giving thanks, feasting, family and football, among other things.  But now, look at all the businesses opening at midnight on Thanksgiving night!  And some stores are even starting their “sales” at 10pm on Thanksgiving night!   How does this help us, or especially the employees of these businesses, focus on being thankful to God and enjoying being together on this national day of Thanksgiving when meals and gatherings have to be cut short only in order to bow at the altar of consumerism!?   This is just shameful, and I hope that somehow the word gets to the people making decisions about those ridiculous hours to go back to staying closed til early Friday morning.  Maybe between writing letters, talking with friends and family, or just not shopping on Friday (some of us avoid that already!) that terrible tide can be turned.  Whew.  Thanks.  I had to say that!


So, whether you are coming to Our Savior for Thanksgiving or celebrating Thanksgiving somewhere else, may it be a time for you to reflect on the blessings you have and truly be thankful to God.  That after all is why our country established a day of Thanksgiving…to pause and recognize that we are blessed beyond measure, even with all of our challenges and struggles, and give thanks to God, the source of all we are and have.   


Have a safe, blessed and happy Thanksgiving!    Pastor Jack Diehl + 






Thursday, November 17, 2011

FW: Bits 'n Pieces

Just a reminder about the Bazaar and Health Fair this Saturday.  The Bazaar is from 9am til 1pm and the Health Fair portion is from 9am til 11am.  If you can donate any baked goods or other goodies, please bring them in during the day Friday between 9am and 3pm or Saturday morning.   Also, FOR KIDS, from 9am til 11am there will be crafts to make in the nursery!  See you Saturday!


We are in the final stages of the financing for our Building Project.  If you are interested in holding a note (in increments of $10,000) at 3% interest, please call Shannon Banitt at 772-713-6839 or Allan Klotsche at 414-510-3443.  This opportunity will be closing by the end of the month. 


Speaking of the end of the month, if you’d like to join us for the 50th Anniversary Luncheon, we need those reservations in by the end of the month also.  Cost is $15 per individual or $25 per household.  The luncheon, which follows the one service at 10am that day, December 11, will include marinated chicken vegetable kabobs and pork and vegetable kabobs, baked Spanish rice, and more.


This coming weekend is Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the church year!   Watch for an insert re: our Christmas poinsettias.  They are only $10 each, with proceeds going to the Our Savior Scholarship Fund.  Or you can just email us your order along with information if it is given in memory or in honor of someone.


And finally, it looks like maybe only about 2 more Sundays of traveling “over the river and through the woods” to get to the sanctuary.  We will soon be able to park close again and walk in those beautiful new front doors! 


See you at the Bazaar, then see you in church!     Pastor Jack +

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bazaar/Health Fair/Thanksgiving and more...


After hearing some pretty tough, fire and brimstone readings this morning (especially that one from Zephaniah), it was great to also hear St. Paul’s words in the second reading, “But you, beloved, are not in darkness, for that day to surprise you like a thief; for you are all children of light and children of the day.”  When that new identity takes root in us, it changes everything….how we live, how we see God, ourselves and each other, and ultimately how we die.  “Therefore encourage one another (in this new God given identity) and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.”


Now, as children of the Light, it’s getting into that time of year when a lot is going on around Our Savior where we live out, celebrate and encourage one another in that new identity.   In that light, this email will be a walk through the next few weeks around here. 


This Wednesday, Nov. 16, will be our last Wednesday night supper before Thanksgiving!  (There is no supper the night before Thanksgiving, but the suppers will resume the following week.)   This week will have a “Tailgate Party” theme.  The Lutheran Men in Mission will be grilling burgers and hot dogs.  Beans and coleslaw will also be on the menu.  So wear your favorite team’s colors and come “tailgate” with us in the Fellowship Hall.   Supper is served at 6pm.


If you’d like to hear some great handbell music, “The Atlantic Ringers”, a community handbell choir, with experienced ringers from area churches (including Our Savior), will be in concert Friday at 7:30pm at the Community Church.  A donation will be accepted at the door.


Saturday, Nov. 19 is Our Savior’s annual Bazaar (9am til 1pm) and Health Fair (9am til 11am).   The bazaar will have baked goods (you can bring some to sell anytime on Friday or Saturday morning),  lunch, and very nice crafts for sale.   This is a great way to start to ease into the holiday season.  The Health Fair will have the Blood Mobile on site, flu shots, balance screening, “ask a pharmacist”, child safety kits, a registered dietician, blood pressure and blood sugar screenings!  Wow!  Lots of good stuff!   Besides these things, Our Savior’s 50th Anniversary ornaments, designed by the same artist who does the ever so popular annual Garden Club ornaments, will be available for $20 each.    Swarovski crystal crosses will also be available.  The proceeds for both the ornaments and crosses all go to the Building Fund. So, be sure to come by Saturday morning.  There will be something for everybody.


On Sunday afternoon at 3pm, Nov. 20, a favorite annual event takes place…the making of Advent wreaths.  These are beautiful wreaths made with live greenery.  There are only a limited number of spots left, so call the church office (567-2253) to reserve your place. Cost of materials is $15 per wreath. 


Then looking ahead a little farther, our annual Home Alone Thanksgiving Dinner will be held at noon on Thanksgiving Day.  A Thanksgiving service is held in the church at 11am followed by dinner in the Fellowship Hall.   Volunteers are needed to help peel potatoes on Wednesday at 2pm, and pies are needed also.  If you can provide a pie, please bring it by the church anytime Wednesday between 9am and 3pm the day before Thanksgiving.  Call the church office to make a reservation (772-567-2253).  There is no cost and no offering received.  This is our gift to the community.  Don’t be home alone, come celebrate Thanksgiving with us.  If you know of someone who will be home alone on Thanksgiving, tell them about our dinner also.  


Finally, be sure to mark your calendars for our Anniversary Celebration and Building Dedication at our one service that Sunday at 10am.  An anniversary luncheon will follow at noon.  Tickets ($15 per person or $25 per household) are required and need to be purchased by November 30 to reserve a place. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

50th Anniversary Celebration!


The 50th Anniversary Celebration for Our Savior is coming up in a little over a month!  Here are some details about that event. 


On Sunday December 11 there will be only one worship service at 10am.  Bishop Ed Benoway of the Florida Bahamas Synod will be our guest preacher that day.  During the service we will both dedicate our new building addition as well as celebrate our 50 years of ministry here in this place.  Before and after worship a pictorial review of our 50 years will be scrolling on the wall over the hymn board, thanks to Zac Barringer.  This 50 year pictorial history is Zac’s Eagle Scout project. 


During worship we will introduce all those involved in our building project:  the building committee, the builders and workers who can join us, and our church council. 


Our worship that day, the third Sunday in Advent, will fittingly center around the theme from the Gospel reading: “The true Light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.”


After worship there will be a reception with light refreshments in the new lobby for anyone not going to join us for the 50th Anniversary Luncheon at noon which will be held in the Fellowship Hall and a big tent on the north side of the hall.  During that time before the lunch, there will be “stations” in the church in various places with posters for people to sign if they were married, baptized, or confirmed in the church.   There will also be a table with a sign in sheet and candles to light for anyone who had a loved one who’s memorial service was held at the church. 


Then the luncheon, beginning at noon, will be a time of remembering, celebrating and giving thanks for our life together.  The menu will be:


Marinated chicken and vegetable kabobs;  Marinated pork and vegetable kabobs

Baked Spanish Rice; Corn relish; Apple Slaw

Watermelon Boat and Carrot Cake and Petit Desserts

along with coffee, iced tea and lemonade.


The cost of the luncheon is $15 per individual or $25 per household.  This is only a partial cost of the event (with the rental of the tent and all).  The balance of the cost will be covered by the congregation.  If you’d like to make a donation toward the event, that would be welcome.


Some of you have already picked up your invitation and have sent in your reservation and money!  Included in our November/December newsletter will be a reservation reply form or pick one up after worship or in the church office.   We look forward to this happy milestone in the life of Our Savior!  



Monday, November 7, 2011

Wednesday suppers/Bazaar & Health Fair/and $!

From: Our Savior Lutheran Church
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2011 3:33 PM
To: Our Savior Lutheran Church
Subject: Wednesday suppers/Bazaar & Health Fair/and $!


First, how good it was this past weekend to remember all the saints who have gone before us since All Saints Day last year.  This is always a meaningful, moving time and we are grateful to be able to share that with so many.  But this was also a time for us to remember all those other saints who have touched our lives over the years, and to be reminded that we too are called and blessed to be numbered among the saints!   And finally, it was also good welcoming back more of our regular winter “saints”!  Every weekend recently feels a little like “family reunion” time!  Glad to have you back!

Once again this coming Wednesday, our suppers continue with the meal served at 6pm.  These suppers have been very well received, and we want to especially thank the following 4 “Crew Chiefs” who spear-head these suppers. Each Chief takes one Wednesday a month to set up, cook, serve and clean up.  Chief of the Crew Chiefs and one of the 4 Chiefs is Nancy Ogonoski (569-1798).  The other 3 are: Colleen Heagy (774-8795), Sue Davia (226-7783) and Linda Krieger 299-0729) (all 772 area code).  Also a special thanks to Brian Rogers, who almost single handedly sets up the tables most Wednesdays!  If  you would be able and willing to help out any of these crews, please let them know either when you come on Wednesdays, or call them ahead of time and volunteer.  Clean up is especially appreciated. You can just stay and help with that any Wednesday.   Although it is work, it really is also a lot of fun working with those folks.  So, please lend a hand when you can!   You’ll be glad you did!

Now, it won’t be long til our annual Bazaar and Health Fair is here (a week from Saturday!)  Below are details from our Parish Nurse, Bonnie Lanyi, about the event and what you can do to be a part of it!

Annual Bazaar is Saturday, November 19 from 9:00am to 1:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.  Please bring your crafts in no later than November 16.  Please donate baked goods and drop them off in the Fellowship Hall on Friday or Saturday morning before the sale begins.  Along with crafts and baked goods there will be lunch available.  All proceeds from this event go to charities.

Health Fair is the same day from 9:00am to 11:00am and will include the following:
Indian River Blood Bank Blood Drive-You can tell them to donate $5 to the Harvest Food and Outreach instead of getting a gift for yourself.
VNA-free blood pressure and blood sugar screenings.  For best results, fast after midnight for the blood sugar test.  Preservative-free flu shots.  Getting your shot here will help the VNA provide home care, hospice and wellness services to the uninsured and under-insured in our community.
Humane Society-What do you do with your pet during an emergency such as a hurricane?
Balance Screening by Sunshine Physical Therapy.
Indian River Sheriff's Dept-Child safety kits, vials of life, and safety info.
Treasure Coast Community Health-ask a pharmacist about medications.
Gwen Turner, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator-nutrition info and body fat analysis.
Treasure Coast Ovarian Cancer Alliance
Our Savior Health Ministry Team
-- thank you,
Bonnie Lanyi RN
Parish Nurse
Our Savior Lutheran Church
1850 Sixth Ave
Vero Beach, FL 32960

Finally, this coming weekend is “Stewardship Weekend”!  Many of you have already brought or sent your commitment cards (which you received in the mail last week) in for 2012!  If you haven’t, this coming weekend we will be gathering those cards during worship. (Extras will be available).  It’s been amazing how you all have stepped up to help support our 50th Anniversary Building Project, along with continuing to support the general life and ministry of Our Savior this past year.  In these challenging economic times, you are all living proof of God’s ongoing nurturing hand at work among us.  Sincere thanks to all!

In another separate and special email later this week, watch for details on our 50th Anniversary Celebration and Building Project! 

As this week now unfolds, may you both be blessed and be a blessing to those around you.   God’s work; our hands.   Pastor Jack +


Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Reformation Day!


Maybe it’s a Lutheran Pastor thing, but when I hear “October 31st”, my first thought is “Reformation Day!”   So, happy Reformation Day to everyone, and oh yeah, Happy Halloween also.  J   For those of us here in Vero Beach we woke up to many flooded streets, equal to our hurricanes, and an automated phone call from the Sheriff’s office saying if you haven’t sent your children to school yet, you can keep them home and they won’t be counted as absent due to all the flooding.  Our elementary school across the street is closed!  If this hangs around all day, I’m afraid there is going to be a lot of “Trick or Treat” candy left over tonight. 


But, back to Reformation Day.  Yesterday we celebrated the day with special music from our Women’s Choir (very nice, and a little jazzy!) and some beautiful oboe/piano and oboe/organ music from Dr. Ray Adams and Sara Diehl Fletcher.  Many thanks.  It was also Confirmation Day for Brandon Klotsche, Elizabeth Nelson, Charles Pascale and Tyler Welsh at the 11am service.  Congratulations to another fine group of young people who’s choice of Confirmation Scripture verses and hymn of the day were an inspiration to us all as we were once again reminded of God’s ongoing reforming, renewing, redeeming work in the church and in our lives. 


As “reformed and renewed” people of God, we reach out into the world with a Word and with actions which bring Life and Hope. Here are a few ways we can do that:


Coming up this week on Thursday, Our Savior is once again a host site for the annual “Samaritan Center Soup Bowl”.  Various soups from local restaurants will be served for a donation of $5 (or more) from 11:30 til 1:30. 


On Saturday, “Every Dream Has A Price”  (a local agency which helps people in need fix up their homes, or get into a home if their’s has been damaged or destroyed for whatever reason) is having a big day at Dodgertown including a Barbecue cook off,  a “Guns and Hoses” softball game between our local police and fire departments and lots of fun activities for kids and families!  It all begins at noon.  See the attached fliers.


If you’d like to get into the Christmas Spirit early, you can do so and do a good deed at the same time.  On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons through the month of November, at the Haiti Partners office (first floor, Bank of America building on the corner of 6th Ave. and 21st Street, Miracle Mile area) you can help address and write Christmas cards on behalf of Haiti Partners.  Call Debbie Coleman at the Haiti Partners office 772-539-8521 or cell 772-971-6958 if you can help.  And thanks!


We are in the final stages of our building project and looking ahead to our 50th Anniversary Celebration and Building Dedication on Sunday December 11 at ONE SERVICE at 10am followed by a luncheon.  Bishop Benoway will be our guest that day.  Mark your calendars!  Invitations with response cards will be coming out next week.   


Since we are in these later days of construction, we are also finalizing the financing of this project.  It’s still not too late to make a gift to the building fund either anonymously or through purchasing a leaf for our “Tree of Life” or a “Living Stone”.  If you have already done so, be sure to get the information in (ASAP) about how you would like your “leaf” engraved!   As a part of bringing this project to completion, secured notes of $10,000 or more are being made available at 3%.  If you are interested in holding one or more of these notes, please come by the church office to pick up a form or call Allan Klotsche (772-234-0441) or Shannon Banitt (772-713-6839) for more information.


Finally, since this is “All Hallow’s Eve”, that means All Saints Day is tomorrow, which means that this coming weekend we will be celebrating All Saints Day.  During our services we will be naming those loved ones who have died since All Saints Day last year, as well as inviting people to come forward and light a candle remembering and honoring them.  This is always a very special day in the church year.  I  hope you can join us.


May you all have a great Reformation Day/All Hallows Eve/Halloween, and a blessed week as God’s renewed, reformed, redeemed people!  


(And I think the rain is subsiding!  J)  For more information on the life and ministry of Our Savior, please visit our website at             Peace and Joy,   Pastor Jack Diehl +









Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Some of what we do and who we are!

Dear People of Our Savior, In these last few months a lot of our energy and focus has been on the new building addition and upgrading of existing buildings. Every once in a while, those are things that just have to be done. And the project is coming along beautifully. But I had an image come to mind recently about what that is all about. I pictured a train. The engine is what pulls the train. But the cargo is what is important. Our buildings are important and very useful, and need to be in good working order, just like the engine of a train, but always for the purpose of "hauling the cargo". An engine by itself going down the tracks isn't good for much. So what is the cargo that is hauled?

Above the entrance in our new narthex is a faceted glass window with the message "Let Your Light Shine". Those are the words with which we are sent out after worship, having heard that Eternal Word and having been fed at the Lord's Table. "Letting our Light shine" is what happens as we leave worship. That happens in all kinds of ways through our members here in our community: Big Brothers/Big Sisters; Homeless Family Center; Harvest Food and Outreach; Habitat for Humanity and the list goes on and on; and beyond our community such as through our work with Haiti Partners.

Following is a 2-minute video of Mary and Allan Klotsche in Haiti, and some words of gratitude from Kent Annan, co-director of Haiti Partners (and Pastor Shelly's husband).

"Everyone at Haiti Partners is grateful for Allan and Mary's warm, generous spirits--and also the way they are working with and nurturing the children in our elementary schools through music education. We're so grateful for the Our Savior community and their Social Ministry Team, which supports and encourages this work from here in Indian River County!

You can see the short video (with great singing!) here:

With much gratitude for Mary and Allan, as well as for the prayers and encouragement of so many at Our Savior,


Isn't this some great "cargo" that we are able to help pull here at Our Savior?! God's work; our hands.

Kent Annan
Co-Director, Haiti Partners -
Order new book "After Shock" -

On Oct 26, 2011, at 9:19 AM, wrote:

> Hi Kent, Being kind of a "low tech" guy, I need a little help. Could you email me a link to the latest Haiti Partners video about Allan and Mary's music project, in a form that I could just forward to the congregation? I'd like to send that out to the congregation as an example of what we are doing there. In fact, if you could "reply all" to this email, it will go right to the church email and I could forward it from there. Thanks. Hope you're surviving having "Mom" gone these few days! :-) I'm looking forward to hearing about the event tomorrow when she returns. Thanks! Pr. Jack +

Monday, October 24, 2011

O.S.E-news: Monday October 24



From: Our Savior Lutheran Church
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 12:04 PM
To: Our Savior Lutheran Church
Subject: O.S.E-news: Monday October 24


Ahhh….for the first time we have the windows open here in the office this morning and we’re enjoying the beautiful Fall weather along with the all of the other Floridians who are grateful for this time of the year. 


I had been out of town since last Thursday and was so pleased to see the progress on our building when I returned this morning.   Most all of the drywall is up, and the painting outside and stucco is all coming along nicely.  Still looking good for the December 11 celebration!


But, before then, a number of things continue to happen around Our Savior.   Our menu for this Wednesday’s supper includes mac and cheese and baked breaded Haddock.  Following the supper is choir practice, Youth Group, a women’s Bible study and our Outreach Team meeting focusing especially on the 50th anniversary celebration events. 


Looking ahead, our annual Bazaar and Health Fair is coming up Saturday November 19.   A part of that event will be a Bake Sale and all are invited to bring their favorite baked goods (or fudge, or other such goodies) that morning or the day before to add to the sale.   


Recently you may have received in the mail the latest information on our Building Fund.   The “Tree of Life” will be finished within about a week and will be installed as soon as the drywall is finished.  Inscriptions on the leaves and on the “Living Stones” are starting very soon.  If you would like to have a leaf on this “Tree of Life” or a “Living Stone” please call George Dann at 772-978-9124 or the church office 772-567-2253. 


This coming weekend is “Reformation Weekend” at Our Savior.  This is always one of the big festival days of the church year as we not only remember our roots and the events of the Reformation some 500 years ago, but more importantly remember the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in renewing and reforming the church yet today.  Along with that, we will be celebrating the confirmation of 4 of our young people (Brandon Phillips-Klotsche, Tyler Welsh, Elizabeth Nelson and Charles Pascale) at the 11am service.  Wear RED!


As the week unfolds, be grateful each day and let your light shine!      See you in church!      Pastor Jack Diehl +  


For more information about the life and ministry of Our Savior visit our website at: 

(Password for on-line church directory is: letyourlightshine)




Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Menu and feedback


Dear People of Our Savior,   In yesterday's email I forgot to mention the menu for our Wednesday supper this week.  It will be lasagna, salad, green beans, French bread and probably some kind of dessert (at least those are the things I saw in the kitchen this morning) .  Looks good!


Also, since we're sending this note out, I had to send out the following response to yesterday's email:


Hi Pr Jack - the rainbow is wonderful. There's so much here that is uplifting & open & honest & inviting


Thanks so much Eleanor for your kind comments.  It really is good to be a part of the life and ministry of this place. 


And finally, the new doors on the main entrance to our addition are going on today!  The building will all be dried in (a good thing with this latest rainy weather front on top of us) and the drywall will be going up perhaps as you read this.   Looks like we'll make the December 11 dedication!








Monday, October 17, 2011

Rainbow, Music and Swarovski Crystal


First, the Rainbow.   In the sermon yesterday we were reminded that God’s image is imprinted on God’s creation and on God’s people for us to see.   An example was of a beautiful rainbow which graced our sky after the big no-name storm last weekend.   Pastor Shelly and her family were outside looking at it when their 2 and ½ year old Cormac asked, “God make that?”  Yes, Cormac, God sure did.  After a pause, he then asked, “Jesus color that?”   J   Even a child can see God’s image imprinted in the beauty and wonder of God’s creation.   This morning, one of our new members, James “Duke of Warwick” Logan emailed us the picture of that rainbow which he also saw last weekend.  Hopefully the attachment comes through.  If you look closely you can see that it was a double rainbow in fact.   Thanks Cormac, and Duke. 


Music: the international language, at the heart and core of worship, according to Luther God’s greatest gift next to theology…and some might call it God’s greatest gift period.  At Our Savior we have a Search Committee who have been diligently going over resumes and talking to possible candidates for our director of music position.  Most names (about 14)have come through an announcement in the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians website about our position.   The chair person of the committee is Marjorie Silkworth, who is the Worship and Music Council person.  Members of the committee are a cross section of the congregation representing different groups and our three worship services: Gwen Turner, Johanna Jones, Michael Hyde, Doris Zelie, Chris Jones, Ron Sample, and Lisa Collison.  While the process continues we are blessed to have some wonderful organists both in our congregation and community who can lead our worship during this interim time: Johanna Jones, Rebecca Barkett and Dr. Ray Adams.  Having gifted people like this around means we don’t have to rush the process, but can do what is needed to find the best person for the position.  If you have any thoughts, suggestions or questions for the committee feel welcome to contact any of those named above.


Swarovski Crystal:   As our  Building Dedication and 50th Anniversary approaches (December 11!) we have been given a wonderful gift to help support the building project.  As you may or may not know, when the Swarovski family is in this country, Our Savior is their home church.   As a way of helping with our building project, they have donated a beautiful assortment of their Swarovski Crystal Crosses, which would be very suited for a necklace, and which are available for a donation of $20 (for the small cross) and $50 (for the larger cross).  This past weekend Adam Bolinger manned a table after worship making them available for the first time.  They were very well received and will next be available the first two weekends in November.  So, keep these dates in mind and plan to stop by after worship to see these beautiful crosses. (What a nice Christmas gift!)  Many thanks to the Swarovski family for this thoughtful gift to Our Savior. 


This coming Wednesday our Wednesday dinners continue with supper served at 6pm followed by a Women’s Bible Study at 6:30 in room 4, choir practice at 7pm, Youth Group from 6:30-8:30 and the Music Search Committee meeting at 6pm in room 5 (and “eat and meet” meeting…get your dinner and join us in room 5).


For other information and news about the life and ministry of Our Savior, please check out our website at: .  


As this week unfolds, may we see God’s image all around us imprinted on God’s creation and on God’s people.  And may we also live out our identity as God’s children, called, gathered and then sent out into the world as bearers of his image in our lives.      +





Monday, October 10, 2011

O.S.E-news: Monday Oct. 10


If any of you haven’t experience a hurricane in Florida, this past weekend was very close to what that is like: a few days of heavy overcast skies and blustery wind, strong rain bands coming through  (in fact more rain than some hurricanes!) local flooding (on my way to church Saturday evening I saw Jimmy, our Youth leader, out in his truck rescuing one of several motorists he helped who were stranded in some deep water), a really angry looking surf with lots of erosion, trees cleaned out…everything except the 75 plus mph wind!  That was quite a weekend! The good news is that since it was mostly over the weekend, it didn’t really slow down construction much, and with the sun shining this morning, workers are well underway again today.   


But in spite of the hurricane like weather, and slightly smaller attendance at worship, understandably so, our healing service and “Blanket Sunday” went very well.  It was great to be wrapped together in God’s grace in the middle of it all.  And the line from the Isaiah reading, “For you have been a refuge to the needy in their distress, a shelter from the rainstorm…” took on special meaning, as the storm raged outside.   It was good to be here. 


And it IS good to be here for many reasons.  One of which is our Wednesday suppers which have resumed (serving starts at 6pm).   On the menu this week is Brats and Kraut (Oktoberfest food!)   Following the supper the Lutheran Men in Mission will be meeting at 7pm in the west end of the Fellowship Hall, a women’s Bible study continues in room 4 at 6:30, the Education Team meets in room 5, the Youth Group meets at 6:30 in the Youth Room and the choir and hand bell ringers meet at 7pm in the choir room.  Something for everyone!


This coming weekend, Oct. 15-16, around 30 new members will be received into our congregation.  This is a wonderful group from babies to retired folks.  If you will be here this weekend, be sure to introduce yourself and offer a warm welcome to those becoming a part of our faith community.  This is also a time when our winter residents are returning, so each weekend feels a little like a family reunion.   Welcome back!


Looking ahead, our annual Health Fair and Bazaar will be happening Saturday November 20.  This will also include our Fall Bake Sale!  If you have a favorite recipe, plan on pulling it out and bringing some nice baked goods to the Bake Sale.   


Also, looking ahead, watch for tickets to soon be available for our December 11th luncheon following our  50th Anniversary Celebration and Building Dedication at our one service that morning at 10am! 


Letting our Light shine for 50 years, and counting!       See you in church!    Pastor Jack Diehl  +

Saturday, October 8, 2011

20 iPhotos I thought that you might enjoy

(If you've received this email twice, it's because I wasn't sure if it was sent out the first time.)

Dear Folks, Attached are several pictures from yesterday related to our construction. I'm a little to technologically challenged to sort them out so you are getting all 20 whether they make sense or not. However it will be worth sorting through just to see Pastor Shelly 30 feet up in the air on the lift machine which is being used in the construction. Also, the picture she took from up there of the Memorial Garden is also worth looking for.

Tomorrow, Sunday October 9, between the services, beginning at 9:45am we'll have a congregational meeting updating our building process and getting input from the congregation re: financing.

Also, our worship this weekend, including our 6pm service tonight, will include a service for healing. This is always a very meaningful time to be together as we pray for healing for ourselves and for those near and far.

We're hoping the weather eases off to make access to and from church a little easier than it is right now as I write this in the middle of yet another big downpour! Whew...let's hope this is the closest we get to any hurricanes this season.

Peace and Joy be yours, Pastor Jack Diehl +

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Congregational Meeting!


Dear Folks,   This Sunday, October 9 at 9:45am in the sanctuary, we are going to have congregational meeting to give a building update and bring to the congregation a proposal for the final financing of the project.  We will also have the latest information on our “Tree of Life”, and forms to fill out if you have contributed toward a lead or if you would like to.   The building dedication and 50th Anniversary Celebration date is December 11, so we are getting closer!   Please plan on joining us as we head into the home stretch on this wonderful project.    Many thanks.     Pastor Jack Diehl +

Monday, October 3, 2011

O.S.E-news: October 3

Thank you,
L M. Silkworth, AIA, NCARB
FL Registered Architect #AR8431

We Floridians are all abuzz these last 2 mornings as the temperature finally dipped below 70 degrees. Ahhhh....what a nice break. Fall is coming! That also means the first of our winter residents have started returning and that is always a blessing. It's kind of like "family reunion" time around here each weekend.

And this year, as Fall begins, there is much more than usual happening around Our Savior. Let me here offer a brief list of highlights:

1) Our BUILDING PROJECT is into the home stretch, with dedication date set for Sunday December 11. On that day there will be only one service at 10am with Bishop Ed Benoway joining us for a special 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION and building dedication. Watch for details as the time approaches.

2) Regarding MUSIC MINISTRY: Tomorrow (Tuesday, Oct. 4) the Search Team meets again regarding the calling of a new director of music. The committee's work involves reviewing the shape and scope of the needs and goals in our music ministry, along with looking at our budget and reviewing applicants. The committee is made up of a broad cross section of members from the congregation. If you have any thoughts or input you'd like to share with the Search Committee regarding our music ministry or this process please email us (simply reply to this email).

On this same subject, hopefully a picture will come through on this email about last Friday night's "Jam in the Sanctuary". This was just one example of some of the many musical gifts present in this congregation, which the Search Team sees as a priority for a director of music to tap into and nurture.

And finally, a correction regarding our director of music (Jim Boschker's) letter of resignation: In our recent newsletter and a previous email, along with wishing Jim well in this new chapter in his life, it was stated "We understand that he will be moving to Colorado to help his sister care for her seriously ailing husband." We've since heard that that move is not in Jim's immediate plans, so that stands corrected. But wherever this new chapter leads for him, we still wish him well.

3) This coming Saturday 2 things will be happening: For one, members of our Youth Group are invited to another "YOUTH IN ACTION" event from 8am til noon. This brings together kids from various youth groups in our community for a service project. This also counts for volunteer hours for our high school students. Come to Youth Group Wednesday night for more info.

The other Saturday event is a FAMILY JAMBOREE at the Indian River County Fairgrounds. There are no parking fees and no admission fees. The event is from 11am til 8pm with activities for all ages. Very family friendly. See for more info. Sounds like a winner, and some of our folks will be there involved in some of the activities. (Watch especially for a train ride for little ones.)

Next weekend, our worship will take the shape of a HEALING SERVICE. Our Parish Health Ministry Team will be involved in various parts of worship, and there will be opportunity for members of the congregation to come to the altar for anointing and prayers for healing. This is always a well received and meaningful service as we pray for healing for ourselves, for family, friends and loved ones near and far.

NEWSFLASH! As this email comes together, we just received a phone call from a member who said he has a car load of non-perishable food items, and wondered where to bring them. I asked where he got all of that. He said he had a retirement party for his wife and asked that instead of gifts, people would bring non perishable food items! We were happy to direct him to the Harvest Food and Outreach Center here in Vero Beach (on 29th Street, 1/2 block east of US1) where not only is emergency food given to people in need, but classes are also offered to help people get to a better place in their lives. This is a place we regularly support. Many thanks to Dave and Sheila for such a great idea and living out "God's work; our hands" in a very special way. And congratulations, Sheila on your retirement! :-)

Finally, for other information about the life and ministry of Our Savior, please visit our website at And oh yes, the menu for this Wednesday night's dinner includes Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes and gravy. Yum!

As this week unfolds, remember that we are all called to be workers in God's Vineyard, who will faithfully care for what God has entrusted to us, and by doing so bear good fruit in our lives and for the sake of the world. Have a blessed week!

Peace and Joy, Pastor Jack Diehl +

Monday, September 26, 2011

O.S.E-news: Special addition

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words.  For this special addition O.S.E-news, here are three pictures (at the end of this email) of our addition as it unfolds. 


But first, some important upcoming dates:                 


This coming Wednesday, Sept. 28:  Our mid-week dinners resume!  Chicken parmesian and pasta is the main course.  Dinner is served from 6pm til about 6:45.  Then at 6:30 three things happen:

 1) New Member information gathering in the sanctuary. 

2)  Beth Moore Bible Study in room 5 led by Kelly Elsebough. 

3) Youth Group in the Youth room.   


At 7pm, anyone interested in singing is invited to join the choir in the choir room for this first meeting of the season.  One of our deacons, Carole Olsen, Westminster trained organist and choir director for over 50 years will be leading.  All are welcome.


On Friday night at 7pm there will be a “Jam in the Sanctuary” for anyone who likes to sing, play an instrument (any kind) or just likes to listen to music.  This is an intergenerational event and always lots of fun!


On Sunday, Oct. 2 at 4pm our annual “Blessing of the Animals” will be held in the Fellowship Hall.  Dr Anna Diehl Harp (recent graduate of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Auburn University) will be the guest speaker.  Dr. Anna was born and raised in this congregation and will share how she shares her gift of love and care for God’s creatures in Veterinary Medicine.  She practices medicine at the Veterinary Center at Fishhawk near Brandon FL.


Looking ahead, on Sunday October 9 there will be a congregational meeting at 9:45am in the sanctuary.  An update on the building project will be presented as well as a proposal re: the final financing of this project.


Finally, the “season” has begun!  This past weekend we welcomed back a few of our winter residents.  Always a nice time of the year as we get re-connected.   May you all have a blessed week.   


God’s work; our hands.      Pastor Jack +   (See pictures below!) J











Monday, September 19, 2011

O.S.E-news: Sept. 19

In worship this past weekend, we were reminded of God’s generous mercy.  This is a mercy which is generous sometimes to the point of being troubling, as it was for Jonah.  That’s why Jonah resisted going to Ninevah to call them to repentance.  He’d rather they die in their state of being an immoral, ungodly city.  But he knew if they repented, God would have mercy on them, and He did! 


That’s what God is always about; bringing Life where there is Death, Light where there is Darkness, forgiveness and mercy where there is repentance, making things new.  And that is a life-long process.  We are all a work in progress.  That’s what the church is about, as we worship together, work together, serve together, play together, and learn together. 


Below is our ongoing and updated list of “Dates to Remember” for events and activities where God’s generous grace and mercy is passed along, celebrated, taught and/or lived out.  



“Dates to Remember”


For adults, there will be a Wednesday evening adult class offered beginning September 21 at 6:30pm, “Believing God: A Bible Study”, a Beth Moore 10 week Bible Study based on Isaiah 43:10 exploring not only what it means to believe in God, but to believe God!  Please call Kelly Elsebough at 589-8651 if interested so she can order enough of the materials.


Also, this year, along with our regular confirmation class, we are offering a confirmation class, which began this past Sunday for anyone older than Jr. High, through High School, who hasn’t yet been confirmed, but who would like to be.  Marianne Luethje will be teaching this class which will cover the basics of Luther’s Small Catechism, and which will prepare our older children for Confirmation by next Spring.  It’s not too late to become a part of this class.  If interested, contact either of the pastors, or Marianne.


Wednesday September 28 will be a big night at Our Savior:  


1)    Wednesday night dinners resume at  6pm!   


2)   This will also be the first night of 3 New Member Gatherings.   Anyone interested in becoming a member of Our Savior, or just learning more about the congregation is invited to join us at 6:30pm after the dinner then again on Sunday, Oct.2 at 9:45am and again on Wed. Oct. 5 at 6:30pm.    New members will be received the weekend of Oct. 15-16.     On Sunday October 2 pictures will be taken for our on-line church directory.  This will be for all upcoming members as well as anyone who would like an updated picture for our directory.  (If you’d like to view our online directory, go to our website,, click on “directory” and use the password:  letyourlightshine. 


3)   Choir practice will resume at 7pm!  If you’ve been in the choir before, or if you’d like to join the choir, there will be a gathering in the choir room for all interested.  Carole Olsen, one of our deacons, will be there to look at something coming up for the choir and gather input from the choir members as to how to best serve in this interim period while we are seeking a new organist/choir director.  Also, watch for hand bell choir information soon to come. 


Sunday October 2, at 4pm, “Blessing of the Animals” with special guest, Dr. Anna Harp.  Dr. Anna was born and raised in this congregation, and having graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama last May, is now practicing veterinary medicine at the Veterinary Center at Fishhawk, near Brandon, Florida.   Dr. Anna will be joined by her rescue dog, Chai, and share with us how she is using God’s gift of love and care for God’s creatures. 


Please note: Sunday October 9, 9:45am, special congregational meeting for a brief update on our building project and to vote on a financing proposal to finish the project!  This won’t be a long meeting, but it is an important one as we move toward the completion of this 50th Anniversary Building project. 


Beginning First Thursday evening in October:   Dancing with the Lutherans!  Watch for more info to come.


SUNDAY DECEMBER 11, one service only at 10am!    50th Anniversary Celebration and Dedication of our new addition!

There will be a service on Saturday at 6pm that weekend, but only one service that Sunday at 10am.  Bishop Ed Benoway will be our guest preacher that day.  Worship will be followed by an “Open House” to tour the new addition, pictures and remembrances of Our Savior’s 50 year history, and a dinner.   Watch for more info, but mark your calendars now!


For more information about the life and ministry of Our Savior, please visit our website at:   


God’s work; our hands.          Pastor Jack +